Hotfix made game worse

The hotfix was supposed to be for lagging and connection issues has complety made my game worse so hard to do anything. Honestly every month you put out a update breaks the game worse. Im all for pausing updates for fixes im sure your losing customers.
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
Amazing how quickly they could change that.
I would rather see the patches resolve more issues than they introduce, but I don't see the benefit in artificially delaying the patches. That can only make things even worse, because patching the game engine is a moving target. This all started with a *forced* upgrade to the Unity engine, which Kabam had to make or lose support from Unity. This changed all sorts of things under the hood, as it always does (it has happened before) but in particular it broke iOS timing in a way impossible to patch over, which required building a new input system. That then introduced other issues which themselves mandated patches and fixes. Meanwhile, Unity isn't standing still. The underlying engine itself is still being patched with vendor patches, and eventually they will have to move to the *next* engine major release.
Fixing the game isn't a one and done affair. It is about synchronizing the game environment with the underlying game engine as the game engine itself continues to change moving forward. The slower the process is, the harder it gets to do, because the more changes are happening beneath your feet as you go.
seems like the input fix to me..