Eternity of Pain defender attack value too high?



  • Saru2244Saru2244 Member Posts: 183

    Kabam have been trying to make 6* R3s more relevant. And most of these difficult contents were made for that reason. So a R2 not being effective here isn't a reason for them to tone the difficult down

    The difference between a R2 and R3 isn't enough to really make a difference. I used my R2 6* Odin. His health is 36,090. At R3 his health would be 42,815, a difference of 6725. That's probably not even one punch difference.
    I did this with my 6* R3 Odin without a reviver. I just had to start over a few times before I got the hang of the various buffs and found a good rhythm to bypass them. After that it was pretty easy. So I think it's less about whether the champ is R2 or R3. Of course it helps if you have an R 3. But ultimately it comes down to skill and finding the right way to deal with the challenge.

  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    Look on the bright side, once you decide to start using revives there is no need to waste pots healing up.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,683 ★★★★★

    EoP (and previously SoP) certainly differed in difficulty from week to week, but these last two, Hercules and Overseer, have been rough. And especially with this Overseer fight there are just way too many things going on. Besides the usual nodes (SP3 active, health and attack boosts), there are seven nodes.

    Heal Block - Passive: Can't be shrugged/purified. You can't benefit from Willpower healing on non-damaging debuffs. Any champs that have regen, no healing for you.
    Even Punishment: Stunning Overseer causes 1 buff to be nullified from both champs. But haha sucka, Overseer is immune to nullify, and his sig ability causes you to take a burst of physical damage if he has a buff. And if you were relying on a true strike buff to counter his autoblock, this will end up removing it (unless you have other buffs first).
    Parry: His parries will stun you, so his autoblock after specials will parry stun you and you'll probably get one-two punched and KO'd.
    Encroaching Stun: Get stunned every 20 seconds unless you're throwing a special or stun-immune.
    Power Alternator: Every 15 seconds, if you have more power than him, your power is drained and given to him. Really nice when Encroaching Stun is coming up and your power disappears because of this.
    Feats of Power: When above 1 bar of power he gains a fury, above 2 bars he gains cruelty. Because that's what he needs, even more attack to pummel you into the ground. Also possibly more power from the next node.
    Rich get Richer: Whichever champ has more unique buffs gains 9% of a bar of power a second. Just to add to the power chaos. And remember not to parry because that'll remove a buff you'll want for this.

    Then we've got Overseer's abilities to add in.

    Retaliation: If your ability fails due to his immunity or reduced Ability Accuracy you take a burst of physical damage.
    Combine that with his Sp2, which inflicts a Disorient Debuff for 12 seconds, reducing Defensive Ability Accuracy by 40%, which scales with Gamma Power. Heal Block prevents you from healing from the debuff, and any abilities failing keeps giving you bursts of damage, chipping away your health.
    Regen: His Sp1 in Cosmic mode gives him a regen for 7% of missing health, so that can be a pain as his health gets lower.

    Then there's the AI.

    If your champ doesn't get many buffs, Overseer will constantly be gaining power from Rich get Richer. Then he likes to hold on to specials so he can Sp3 you in the ground.
    You can't parry him for the most part, so to get openings you can bait heavies, do intercepts, or counter specials. You can bait some heavies but you're going to take lots of block damage. With intercepting, the AI dashing in varies a lot, and I've been noticing lots more of the AI light intercepting me. Just a lot of randomness that you can't really outskill.

    Let's talk about counters. You've got to deal with all of the nodes, then Overseer's abilities, and then on top of that the requirements of the objectives, so good counters are super specific. And then whatever counters would be good, many don't have the champs or have them ranked up.

    There needs to be a balance of difficulty, rewards, and fun, and in this case it's not quite what it should be is all I'm saying.

    This is a real comprehensive list of complaints that puts no effort into looking for solutions. So let’s try doing that.

    Passive Heal Block: does not change how you play. If you’re running the recoil tree, you’ll have to turn it off. Nothing too complicated here.

    Even Punishment: don’t try to stun Overseer when he has a buff. He has a buff whenever he has at least one bar of power, and occasionally when in Cosmic mode. Just treat the fight like it’s stun immune after the first bar of power gets filled.

    Parry: this is a very short duration stun. I was running the Limber mastery 4/5 and when this stun caught me out, I had usually shrugged it off before Overseer could capitalize on it. Running 5/5 would have pretty much guaranteed it, and would make Encroaching Stun far less frightening.

    Encroaching Stun/Power Alternator: these two nodes together are the challenge of the fight. This is what actually makes it hard. But they are also manageable. Yes, you can try using a stun immune champ, but those are rare. You could use any of the skill champs who have tenacity or cleanse mechanics. You could use a cosmic champ with power drain immunity to avoid power alternator, too. But these are just attempts to circumvent the challenge of the fight, and for the most part the champions with these abilities don’t really fit the objectives.

    So here’s how I managed the nodes: you constantly want to keep Overseer above one bar of power, or as close to it as you can get. That way if Power Alternator creeps up on you, you aren’t completely out of luck. Obviously this won’t be easy every time, but this isn’t an easy fight. I found baiting and heavy countering his sp1 to be the most effective method, because the spacing is very easy.

    Rich Get Richer: this honestly should be helping you, not hurting you. If you’re using a buff heavy champ, then you’ll be enjoying the power gain and should have no issues dancing around Encroaching Stun. If you have no buffs (and no buff control like neutralize), then Overseer is gaining the power and that means you are less likely to get caught out by Power Alternator. You’ll have to bait more specials which can definitely be challenging with the behavior of the AI, but again, not impossible.

    You then go on to detail his abilities as if they make him a monster and are not extremely easily dealt with.

    Retaliation: as you spam specials to avoid encroaching stun, you’re most likely eventually going to start taking chip damage. This damage isn’t overwhelming. Just take it in stride. Don’t try to nullify or poison him, and don’t get hit to avoid further damage.

    Disorient on Sp2: don’t get hit by his sp2. Idk, seems pretty straight forward to me. Additionally, you really shouldn’t be using defensive abilities much in this fight anyway.

    Regen on Sp1: this is calculated off of his missing health. So for the majority of the fight, it won’t be a big enough number to matter. It is easily out damaged if you don’t bring a counter to it, and there’s no shortage of ways to counter regen mechanics in this game if you feel it’s a big enough deal to want to address.

    I’m not trying to say this is an easy fight. It’s not. The nodes are tough, the defender is difficult, and the AI sometimes feels like it has a personal grudge against me because it heard what I said about its motherboard. But it’s not impossible, and honestly I had a lot of fun with it (even as it beat me into a pulp for my first like 30 attempts). It’s good content for great rewards. Enjoy it for what it is.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    It is called Eternity of pain, Not eternity of comfort, or eternity of minor inconvencience.
    Attack values are just fine for the rewards we are getting. If anything, things are too simple for the rewards we are getting.
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 999 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    xNig said:

    Hopefully you’re not expecting to tank a full combo from him and survive.

    Are you saying the fight is totally fair and you enjoyed it? Why is being able to survive one combo too easy?
    It is not totally fair. It is totally unfair. It is intended to be totally unfair. EoP is not intended to be a welcome mat of reward piles. It is intended to test the highest tier players with the highest difficulty content in the game.

    Yes, we have control issues and yes, the game is not working properly in all respects. But that doesn't change the fact that EoP is not intended to be something within the reach of everyone attempting it. However hard you think it is, and regardless of why you think it is that hard, it is entirely possible that it is supposed to be that hard.

    To put it another way:
    J0eySn0w said:

    If the game was running very smoothly, it would been a challenging but not as painful as it is atm.

    There's no reason to believe this. What's more likely is, if the game was running very smoothly, EoP would have been tuned to be even more painful than it is now. It is not like the designers shoot an arrow randomly into the sky, and where ever it lands that's what the difficulty of the content becomes. They playtest it with the same game we have, and they tune the difficulty until it meets the level of difficulty they intend. The difficulty of EoP was set at a time when the game is performing the way it is now. The safe assumption is that if the game was functioning better, they would have kept increasing the difficulty of EoP until it reached the same amount of difficulty it is now with the game in the state it is in.
    And there’s no reason to believe this either. We can’t possibly know this fight design kept control issues in mind. And I don’t think they’d do that either. When you’re having dropped inputs in the middle of a combo, and your dex and parry are not connecting it makes a fighting more difficult and frustrating than it would be. It doesn’t mean without the input issues fight design isnt still painful. What you’re probably not factoring in your argument that this input issues doesn’t happen all the time. Some days it’s been better and other days it’s been terrible. So why would design a fight taking into consideration only the bad days.
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