Incinerate kills



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    I totally understand the idea that some things should be harder than others. There should be variation, and players who focused on different things should have advantages on different days.

    The issue is that 2/3rds of the points for the event come from the vanquishing blows, and some days those blows are easier while other days they are going to happen only 5% of the time. So if the milestones are fair and fun for one day, they're so difficult that they're not worth the effort on other days. If the milestones were set low enough to be doable every day, then they would be trivially easy on the other days. Neither of those setups is good.

    It makes sense for there to be different milestones for different vanquishing blows. That way the events could be challenging every day.

    Yes I agree. It makes it more enjoyable to have them varied. I mean, it's nothing new, but it's a bit of a separate hunt, a sort of Mini-Game. It's also a good way for newer Players to familiarize themselves with Abilities and moves.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    The boy has been killing everything with hyp SP1 while I bust my ar$e trying not to win with WS before I get to incinerate them.

    I would've thought the milestones might scale based on rarity but it is what it is.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    I'm using 3* WS while questing just to try and get the kill lol.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    You have GP? AV? Phoenix? Any Champ with Incinerate would do. If you had the Energy and were adamant enough, even a 3* would give Points on Beginner. TBH, I just accumulate Points regularly, and chip away at the Vanquishing Blow when I have time to kill. I just find it's something else to focus on to be on the hunt for specific moves.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    Switching to incendiary for WS and SP1 works ok, except when it's mistimed and the debuff runs out with one hits worth of health left on the AI.

    I'm only aiming to make the 256k milestone every day.

    Ran through heroic, aiming to 100% in a couple of days before taking on master, will grind like a mofo to dupe King Groot and trying to make SA this week (which needs plenty of cats) means it will be busy.

    I need T4cc, this is the only way for solo and casual players to get them.
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  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    IIRC in the Guardians Hero Use event using the special champ only gave like 500 points so if you didn't have them it wasn't that big of a deal. In this event the killing blow points are way too high. Had it been like the Guardians Hero Use event, with the same point system it would be so much more enjoyable. Kabam just had to mess up an awesome idea.
  • KenshioKenshio Member Posts: 162
    they need to give more point for rar ending
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    Just wait till the 'shock' finishing blow...

    Only 7 champs can do shock lol

    Other vanquishing blows are not bad. You have:
    Light/Medium/Heavy attack, Special 1/2/3, Bleed, Shock, Incinerate and Poison.
  • NinjaWarrior99NinjaWarrior99 Member Posts: 340
    use hyperion and spam sp1
  • MMCskippyMMCskippy Member Posts: 356 ★★
    I think there are two beefs:

    1. Incinerate damage is so tiny per tick.
    2. The only champ capable of putting a regular, reliable incinerate on anyone is Hype.

    If they're going to run out challenges that only a tiny percentage of champs can even put a debuff on someone, we need warning!

    If your Hype is locked up on AW D, you don't even have a shot!

    Think about the Strange events where you were trying to get points to open gates and get rewards. All of the events were achievable so you could max out your points.

    People that just get on here and **** on people saying "do more fights not using incinerate to get rewards", do the math:

    834,000/2,000 = 427 wins with a 5* champ.

    (It's around 138 fights with 5*s that put incinerate on people if you end every win with incinerate.)
    (It's 150+ fights with 4*s that put incinerate on people if you end every fight 100% with incinerate.)

    Those are the options for maximizing milestones on this solo event.

    When you look at the numbers, it just doesn't seem doable .
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    I'm honestly loving the people in here complaining about it. "wahhh I can't swipe right to get everything handed to me" *stomps feet*

    Grow up people, some stuff will be more challenging.

    Yea, but if it's more challenging then it should be more rewarding. This isn't.
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    I totally understand the idea that some things should be harder than others. There should be variation, and players who focused on different things should have advantages on different days.

    The issue is that 2/3rds of the points for the event come from the vanquishing blows, and some days those blows are easier while other days they are going to happen only 5% of the time. So if the milestones are fair and fun for one day, they're so difficult that they're not worth the effort on other days. If the milestones were set low enough to be doable every day, then they would be trivially easy on the other days. Neither of those setups is good.

    It makes sense for there to be different milestones for different vanquishing blows. That way the events could be challenging every day.

    There should be some attempt at making the challenges somewhat uniform. Having one challenge be simple and another complicated doesn't make sense when both give same rewards.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Agent Venom, Rulk, CB, and Cable all have it on their Sp2. This SHOULDN'T be a problem but for those without the masters key even with a 1/10 CB it’s stull nearly impossible to land the sweet spot where you can use the attack and NOT kill them instantly so you get Incinerate points

    Vulture has is on his dodge. If he was readily available and not under a month new to the PHC that’d be a valid option for some people

    Hyperion has is Sp1but he’s extremely rare

    Gwenpool and Winter Soldier have it attacked to Sp1 EXCEPT it’s also tied to additional bleed damage… and he bleeds out number the Incinerate

    Not sure about Goblin but he’s not in the PHC yet and Mephisto follows the same out of PHC balance

    Phoenix is ironically the best option for this and she still has to muddle through a few fury charges before she starts incinerating…
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Well Phoenix OR Hyperion but rarity is a cruel mistress
  • FallencircusFallencircus Member Posts: 339 ★★★
    I'm honestly loving the people in here complaining about it. "wahhh I can't swipe right to get everything handed to me" *stomps feet*

    Grow up people, some stuff will be more challenging.

    This can’t be farther from what, at least I, was saying. It is what it is, but it screams being lazy and not thinking it through. It should be challenging and to be honest I found the medium hit challenging as well but having the same scoring when only 10% of the playable characters can incinerate is asinine.

    Issues and problems can be discussed without it being whining. Good healthy discussion is needed to help fix some of the issues with the game. You don’t have to agree but most of what I saw was not stomping feet and whining but data points that show the shortcomings of a portion of the game.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    The next one should be kill by "cauterize"!
    Kill by Frostbite
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    wonder how many dispute and thread will pop up when people use AA in kill by poison
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    I can't believe there is whinging about the event, I am using a bloody 3* Hyperion just because it's easier, my GP will get the KO before the incinerate even kicks in, and then her bleed with normal hits might get the KO

    No need to complain about the set up of the event though, I love it.
  • battleonebattleone Member Posts: 286 ★★
    Here is the BIGGEST SUCK in this incinerate event. There will be significantly less people in the rank rewards. So imagine getting top 200 -- even 500 but not even being in 1 to 20 bracket. sure hope enough people reach it to have reasonable pool there.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    battleone wrote: »
    Here is the BIGGEST SUCK in this incinerate event. There will be significantly less people in the rank rewards. So imagine getting top 200 -- even 500 but not even being in 1 to 20 bracket. sure hope enough people reach it to have reasonable pool there.

    I'm pretty sure there will be just as many in the rank rewards mate, your looking too much into it... I've been doing easy quests, get hit to a level 1 with hyp, special 1 and the KO comes just at the right time.
  • battleonebattleone Member Posts: 286 ★★
    battleone wrote: »
    Here is the BIGGEST SUCK in this incinerate event. There will be significantly less people in the rank rewards. So imagine getting top 200 -- even 500 but not even being in 1 to 20 bracket. sure hope enough people reach it to have reasonable pool there.

    I'm pretty sure there will be just as many in the rank rewards mate, your looking too much into it... I've been doing easy quests, get hit to a level 1 with hyp, special 1 and the KO comes just at the right time.

    I'm not arguing that it cant be done, but there's no way it can be concluded medium and incinerate will be the same size pool
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    I totally understand the idea that some things should be harder than others. There should be variation, and players who focused on different things should have advantages on different days.

    The issue is that 2/3rds of the points for the event come from the vanquishing blows, and some days those blows are easier while other days they are going to happen only 5% of the time. So if the milestones are fair and fun for one day, they're so difficult that they're not worth the effort on other days. If the milestones were set low enough to be doable every day, then they would be trivially easy on the other days. Neither of those setups is good.

    It makes sense for there to be different milestones for different vanquishing blows. That way the events could be challenging every day.

    Actually, 2/3rds of the points can only come from vanishing blows if the opportunity exists to actually connect with a vanishing blow. The interesting element to the medium attack event was that every fight you were in was an opportunity to land a vanishing blow. So your point score was heavily influenced by your skill at landing that blow.

    The current incineration one seems to be flawed to me simply because the opportunities to land it are far lower. Even if you have perfect skill to land it, the number of opportunities to land it relative to the number of fights you have seems to be such a low percentage that as a practical matter it cannot affect my score by very much.

    I'm not complaining that this is unfair: everyone else is in the same boat, so I'm okay with it in a competitive sense. But it seems boring to me, because unlike with the previous event I'm not specifically looking for opportunities to land it. There aren't enough of them to make enough of a difference. I suspect I'm going to land in the 1%-10% bracket even if I ignore them completely. Which seems to be flawed.

    Of course, given that players with 4 million points last event got 1%-10%, I was guaranteed to land there anyway also. But at least the game encouraged me to try for a high score since the vanquishing blow opportunities were so high I couldn't afford to pass them up. It seems to me I can pass these up because they have no significant impact on overall scoring, especially factoring in how much harder it is to land it even when the opportunity arises. That seems wrong to me.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    edited November 2017
    I was thinking the first event was already wrong and now it happen.

    Disclaimer, I did rank in the first event, but milestones were huge anyway and I did it just because I had the day free and played a lot. It's officially just for nolifers and neets and despite I could do it yesterday I knew I'll miss most of these daily events. But cmon, now definitive it's not possible except maybe someone obsessed playing nonstop.
  • NinjaWarrior99NinjaWarrior99 Member Posts: 340
    you can use a 3* hyperion and just do easier quests. if you load up his fury the incinerate does more damage i believe.
  • Wil6541Wil6541 Member Posts: 273
    edited November 2017
    Wait till poison. Ultron majority can scrap as you don't have him. Voodoo and aa are only options not needing to hope sp2 doesn't kill them or you let them punch you a bit.
  • battleonebattleone Member Posts: 286 ★★
    So I was ranked 1905 today with incinerate and got 50 to 100% milestone. That means at most 3810 qualified.
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  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Similar problem will happen with l3 kills.

    Fill the 3 bars require time, 2 min or more.
    If you need 130 -- 160 fights to do it, you will need min 4 hours/day just for this event.
  • Vis123456789Vis123456789 Member Posts: 69
    basicall for incinerate u just spam hyperions sp1 over and over again, time consuming but work most times
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