A 7 year player ready to quit MCOC

Been a player now from the beginning and I've spent lots of money on the game. Today, I finally realized this game is no longer for me. The gold shortage is embarrassing to still be a problem in 2022. Also, kabam always introduce nodes to make the game harder but never add anything to help the players other than "spend more money logic". "Do you bleed" node is clearly a cash out. Act 6.1 is harder than 6.2, IMO like WTF. I'm going to stop spending on this game until
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Act 6 is easier now than it’s ever been. But just do an initial clear and move to act 7. Rewards for act 6 are nice now, but if you’ve not done it, it’s not game breaking rewards.
Sounds like you’re frustrated so maybe a good idea to stop spending.
They also add plenty to help the players, there are 2 new champions added every month with new abilities to combat a range of nodes. And while it takes 6 months or so before you are likely to start getting them, that means that you should around now start getting the sorts of champions that were released 6 months or more ago. The sorts of champions like Kitty, Nimrod, Cap Sam, Toad etc. And Omega sentinel is about to be added to the pool.
Act 6, which you seem to be stuck on, has also had its second or third big Nerf, so it’s getting easier and easier for you.
With many, many bleed champions or high block damage champions in the game, that is a baffling point of view. I can list a fair few, Wolverine, Nick Fury, moleman, Jabari, masacre, aegon, Corvus, Domino, Killmonger. Plus many more. If you’re stuck on it, share your roster and we can help
I strongly, strongly disagree. Act 6.1 has 6 global s that are objectively much easier than what you have to deal with in 6.2. You may have a bigger issue with 6.1 because of your roster and what they counter perhaps, but 6.2 is a lot harder.
… until what? Don’t leave us hanging like this!
If you want to finish fresh new chapters/events at the very beginning, you'll need skill/time/money.
Otherwise, just wait till they get nerfed 😄
If you need some suggestions on how to get through easier, I would recommend working on the following characters (assuming you have them)
- Hercules
- Mole Man
- Mr. Negative
- Warlock
- Cosmic Ghost Rider
- Penni Parker
- Immortal Abomination
- Hyperion
- Apocolypse
- Wolverine
- Knull
There's plenty more but these should get you through Act 6 relatively easy.
Knull + Venom the Duck = Survivability
Apoc + Wolverine = Survivability + bleed immunity
Penni is force of nature
CGR wrecks everything
Hercules is a literal cheat sheet
Hyperion is old reliable
If you're still intent on leaving, go for it.
If you’re in 6.2 then you should have gotten past 6.1 at least once. And since you’ve done it already, just do it again?
And also, there is no gold shortage. In fact, the amount of gold you can attain in the game is roughly 9,000,000,000,000,000 before you hit a cap iirc.