We’ve talked about who has the longest heavy reach in the game, but who has the shortest?

GarrettNGarrettN Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★★
My personal thoughts on shortest reach is mole man. I’m honestly surprised He can connect his heavy after stunning the opponent. What’re your thoughts? Who has the least range?


  • Avi146Avi146 Member Posts: 313 ★★
    I think Dormammu? Not sure
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,415 ★★★★★
    Moleman without a doubt ...dude's heavy goes as far as my belly.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,694 ★★★★★
    Jane Foster
    Mr fantastic

    Have pretty awful reaches on their heavy attack.
  • RonSwansonRonSwanson Member Posts: 1,171 ★★★★
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    edited July 2022

    Moleman or Mr Fantastic I think

    Moleman does have an incredibly short range, for a huge monster swinging a man through the air he reaches about as far as the belly goes out.

    Ah 2 of my R4's... with a lot of practice I can reliably heavy counter with both of them but man their heavy reach is literally the only parts of them I can't stand lol
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Moleman, Mr Fantastic, Storm....all 3 have very poor heavy range
    And there is another common thing in these 3 champs other than short heavy range.....their heavy attacks are an important part of their kit to unlock max potential
  • GlazzyBearGlazzyBear Member Posts: 134 ★★
    edited July 2022
    Ikaris, or maybe valkyrie has the longest. Moleman has the shortest
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 894 ★★★★
    Mole man easily. HB also comes to mind
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    Moleman easy, annoying af

    who has longest btw? i d say Hyperion, but for some reason, Venom and Mysterio tend to hit me with heavies from across the whole map
  • Killswitch01Killswitch01 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Peni Parker also has a short reach. It really doesn't connect if you're not close enough 🤦🏾‍♂️
  • TheMimicTheMimic Member Posts: 12
    Pretty sure it's vulture... everytime I play him his first hit on heavy misses
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,714 ★★★★★
    Mr F
  • MorbidCuriosityMorbidCuriosity Member Posts: 57
    MIGHTY THOR Jane Foster & Moleman
  • gage201205gage201205 Member Posts: 576 ★★★
    Silver centurian so annoying to heavy counter to get that slow up
  • SliceandDiceSliceandDice Member Posts: 63
    Dragon man has the shortest heavy reach.
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    GarrettN said:

    SuelGames said:

    Moleman easy, annoying af

    who has longest btw? i d say Hyperion, but for some reason, Venom and Mysterio tend to hit me with heavies from across the whole map

    Idk about length, but I think mysterio’s is the fastest
    Getting cornered with his heavy always happens the ai of mysterio is damn quick
  • PowerOfACandlePowerOfACandle Member Posts: 334 ★★★
    Moleman and groot
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,340 ★★★★★
    Moleman, then HB & Mr F tied. Longest for me is tigra.
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,777 ★★★★
    Storm is pretty bad
  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 788 ★★★★
    edited July 2022

    Storm is pretty bad

    I don't think the reach is all that bad, just that it has some really annoying pushback in the corner so you can't chain it so well

    Not good if you're using the Apocalypse synergy for Shock stacks.

    Then again, the range to actually land both hits can be a little iffy.
  • Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Surprised to see nobody has mentioned colossus yet, not as bad as mole man but still sucks

    And HB’s isn’t that bad
  • AyrusSethAyrusSeth Member Posts: 79
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,340 ★★★★★
    What's funny is that it's some the biggest champs that have the shortest reach..yet some of the smallest have twice that distance and are harder to interrupt like the somersaulters. Clearly a design choice.
  • TheBlindSalmonTheBlindSalmon Member Posts: 75
    People talking about Mr Fantastic and nobody even mentions that the guy who can stretch his body to insane lengths can barely extend his leg for maybe 20 cm for his heavy attack. Out of all the champs in the game, one of the shortest reaching heavies is on a man who can stretch.
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Drax because I can't see
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