Global Chat - Safety

I'm not in an Alliance currently, so global chat is always waffling on at the bottom of my screen as I haven't switched it off.
I like to pop in from time to time, but as we all know, global chat in-game as the cesspool of humanity, where manners and good-will go to die.
Trolls being trolls will never change, but I feel too many hurtful things are said in global with very little supervision. Reporting players seems to have no real effect, and you can't even narrow down why you're reporting them.
Recently I've seen people posting personal details like email addresses in there; whilst most of us adults are smart enough to know this is very unsafe, many players aren't as internet-savvy or could be younger and less aware.
I'm sure a lot of people probably just switch off Global chat, but I feel like there needs to be more management in-game (chosen mods, better reporting etc) to help protect all Summoners, not just those who turn a blind eye.
Plus, let's faces it, it's flipping depressing asking for help in there. Eesh.
I'm not in an Alliance currently, so global chat is always waffling on at the bottom of my screen as I haven't switched it off.
I like to pop in from time to time, but as we all know, global chat in-game as the cesspool of humanity, where manners and good-will go to die.
Trolls being trolls will never change, but I feel too many hurtful things are said in global with very little supervision. Reporting players seems to have no real effect, and you can't even narrow down why you're reporting them.
Recently I've seen people posting personal details like email addresses in there; whilst most of us adults are smart enough to know this is very unsafe, many players aren't as internet-savvy or could be younger and less aware.
I'm sure a lot of people probably just switch off Global chat, but I feel like there needs to be more management in-game (chosen mods, better reporting etc) to help protect all Summoners, not just those who turn a blind eye.
Plus, let's faces it, it's flipping depressing asking for help in there. Eesh.
I strongly believe (and support has never denied) that the global report button does nothing, but there is a very effective solution. The game and chat has TOS and code of conduct rules, just learn them. When you see a tos violation all you have to do take screenshots and send a ticket to customer support. I have an extremely high track record of seeing results, assuming of course there was a real TOS violations.
I've seen scammers and bullies and other toxic people, so whilst I can report, block, and send a ticket about those accounts, it's perhaps not as clear for less experienced players or players of younger ages? They're likely to be the ones most affected by toxic chat, so I dunno, it's just been getting to me lately.
That said, what was its intended use? I remember "duel targets" rarely being passed around, but...
The problem is, just like EVERY other game with a global chat… people hiding behind a screen name thinking they can get away with being an awful human being because they don’t think there will be any repercussions for their actions. That’s been the way of the internet for about 25 years now….
I just think maybe it should have clearer guidance for other people who don't have a nice time on GC on how to refine their experience. For example, I just go to Block City, but maybe there should be a couple extra chat options for recruiting or something to help filter some of that out and help newer or more naive Summoners to have a more fun and inclusive time?
Sadly, I'm one for point out an issue and having no clue how to fix it.
I know you sadly get this stuff on the internet, but there is literally NO moderation of in-game chat beyond the filters, and honestly it's just excessive. I appreciate Kabam can't always watch every chat in every region at all times, but there needs to be more done.
*SPAM* - person is submitting constant/repetitive messages. Enough people reporting them would trigger Kabam servers to automatically “throttle down” how often that person would have to wait before sending another message to global. Would apply for both random junk (you’ve all seen just constant 1 or 2 words constantly sent over and over by someone). Or even just Alliance Recruiting where same Msg is sent every 10-20 seconds.
*ABUSE* - person is abusing other people, threatening/harassing them, etc., or offering illegal game services (mercs, doing content for money, offering units, scams, etc), or even disseminating personal information (passwords, email, phone, address, etc) no matter whether about someone else or even their own info. Kabam servers (upon certain amount of ppl reporting it) could automatically temporarily disable ability for further global messages by that person for a period of time, while it gets sent for manual review by employees afterwards.
*SUSPICIOUS PROFILE* - (should also be available to also report from player lookup, AW, BattleGrounds, Incursions, etc. not just Global). You think the person has a profile that in your opinion should no way be able to have certain Titles, etc. Or top champs show certain content rewards when no other champs would be high enough to ever complete that content. Etc. This would get sent to Kabam employees for review.
End result would be that instant server action could be taken (if enough people on global have reported the problem as it's going on).
And then as a follow up, Kabam employees would have an idea of why someone was reported, so tailored action could be taken if warranted.
Internet is always like that, you observe any gaming chat or social media, there always be people like that, don’t overthink it too much. Good side, people are recruiting on community chat, and it’s an aid to people who are doing the work to get their ally uptodate for the AW/AQ
Your suggestion would be nice but the amount of employee upkeep it would take would be massive (not to mention they likely have to hire and create new positions to do this which wouldn't make sense as there is no profit to be made from global).
If it's too easy to report and/or no consequences for spam hitting report, then people will hit it nonstop and it will be heavily abused as it is now (which is likely why it doesn't appear to do anything as they can't properly monitor so many reports). Anyone who has been in global has seen people constantly bragging how the hit "report" on someone and very often their reason was for something small such as a minor disagreeance or the person who bragged about hitting report was the instigator to begin with.
Without screenshots, which are submitted through support, you are putting the burden of work on Kabam staff then remember how many different globals there are (which I have no clue how many but it's a lot), it's unfortunately just not realistic for proper upkeep.
And doing Report from the offending chat messages themselves would be able to store what the message actually is (no need for follow up screen caps when reporting tool can save the offending messages directly). Actually making it easier for staff to follow up afterwards.
How can submitting a ticket afterwards have any Real-Time action ?
There is often a pack bully mentality and people will team up on someone who isn't violating anything. This is extremely common with teenagers from what I've seen. What you are suggesting would allow this bully packs to team up and ban anyone who they find as a threat.
I literally have video proof of this type of bully pack mentality behavior on my old YT vids, at least of the ones I didn't delete. Others often join in to try and fit in and to deflect negative behavior from themselves.
I don't expect global to be absolutely pure, but having some moderation on comments such as "I hope you kill yourself" which I saw earlier just means people won't actually be harrassed on a game meant to be fun.
Well, fun before the Eternity of Pain fights ruin your life, but that's not relevant right now haha