Thoughts on Juggernaut Rework

Looks good on paper for sure now I am curious to see how it will be live. He will be better than before at the very least hopefully a good attacker or an annoying defender as well. What does everyone think about this one?
One bone to pick with the updaters: why such a weak-kneed effort on updated synergies?
Dr. Zola
But I especially disappointed since her SP3 in game is kinda what she does to him in that scene when he says the line.
My only 2 comments:
-Gem of Cyttorak shouldn't be shut down by ALL non-damaging debuffs. Way too easy to counter basically the entirety of his kit. It should be certain non-damaging debuffs (slow, exhaustion, weakness, or debuffs similar to those).
-Synergies should have and could have been improved so easily. Just off the top of my head (and I have no idea what synergies he currently has with other champs or what synergies other champs have with him so I could be overwriting existing synergies):
1) "Brotherhood" with Red Magneto --> While under the effects of unstoppable, Juggernaut's heavy attack instantly nullifies 1 buff on the opponent for every unstoppable buff active. Magneto's heavy unstoppable cooldown is reduced by 50%
2) "Let the good times roll" with Prof X --> Juggernaut's basic attacks generate twice the amount of unstoppable buffs. Professor X becomes passively unstoppable during Mind Control.
3) "Unstoppable Strength" with Hulk --> Juggernaut becomes infused with the power of Cyttorak when dropping below 20% health, doubling his benefits from the Gem. While a fury buff is active and below 20% health, Hulk is passively unstoppable and unblockable until he is afflicted with a non-damaging debuff.
That's literally 5 minutes of me thinking about the character, so I find it pretty disappointing they couldn't come up with updated synergies which are balanced (since my examples probably are not lol).
This’ll make him hard to use against a tonload of nodes and he’s easily countered on defense.
At the very least, looks pretty fun to try out.
If they're going to only update one champion a month, I feel they could also look at updating the synergies - it just seems like a missed opportunity.
Looks promising though, and I have an awakened 6* - he was duped before I even had 10 6* so I’m happy this is finally happening.
To those saying that he'll be too easily countered due to any non-damaging debuff shutting his Gem of Cyttorak off: I think that the reason for the wide application of that shut-down mechanic is that he would be constantly unstoppable otherwise, and eventually unblockable. In his current kit, he just gains a timed unstoppable. It's annoying if you don't have anyone who can apply slow, but you'll manage. However, in his new kit, he'll just keep stacking those unstoppable buffs throughout the fight. If there isn't a way for most champions to counter him to at least some extent, he'd be INCREDIBLY hard to fight. There are only about a dozen champions with slow in the game.
That said, maybe he doesn't need to lose his entire kit if he's stunned. It would have been enough if he couldn't go unstoppable.
I'm glad he will be usable offensively and he might have good damage potential with that sp2 fury, but I think this just puts him in the middle limbo part of the mystic class.