Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

AW Error?

So after the delay in aw rewards rolling out, I check my inbox and see that I was given G3 rewards even though my alliance qualified for G2 this season and maintained that position.Is this some kind of error or am I mistaken?


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    Jeal79Jeal79 Posts: 443 ★★★
    Should tell you on the war menu on the season tab what band and position you finished in. If it says gold 3 and you got gold 3 rewards, then nothing to see here
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    MODOLMODOL Posts: 6
    Similar issue here - all season long we were ranked Silver 1, then when rewards came out we got silver 2. Is this an error or have the ranking rewards changed?
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    MR_61088MR_61088 Posts: 196 ★★
    Samw for us.
    We earned 4.606.116 points over the whole season and yesterday after the last war the overview screen showed that we landed in Gold 2 Bracket.

    Now we only recieved the G3 rewards and the leaderboard shows that we only earned 3.926.116 points!

    There is clearly something wrong

    Ticket is already opened

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    My alliance was also silver 1(around 700-800 rank) for pretty much the whole season, we won our last 2 wars and somehow got silver 2 rewards? I don't get how scoring works, but it seems kind of unfair.
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    SamojayX0SamojayX0 Posts: 20
    Someone modded in your ally i think
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    MR_61088 said:

    Samw for us.
    We earned 4.606.116 points over the whole season and yesterday after the last war the overview screen showed that we landed in Gold 2 Bracket.

    Now we only recieved the G3 rewards and the leaderboard shows that we only earned 3.926.116 points!

    There is clearly something wrong

    Ticket is already opened

    How do you open ticket? I've never done it before.
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    MR_61088MR_61088 Posts: 196 ★★
    Click on the gearbutton on your homescreen, scroll a bit down and you see the green „support“ button
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    MR_61088 said:

    Click on the gearbutton on your homescreen, scroll a bit down and you see the green „support“ button

    Thanks man.
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    Vergeman78Vergeman78 Posts: 132 ★★
    You were clearly docked points. Happens after every season, they verify for accounts modding and take actions against the alliances who have those players
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    You were clearly docked points. Happens after every season, they verify for accounts modding and take actions against the alliances who have those players

    If that's the case, I guess it could be some of the new guys we got this season. But how can we know who it was? If that's really the case, I want to know who did it so I could kick him out.
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    MODOLMODOL Posts: 6

    You were clearly docked points. Happens after every season, they verify for accounts modding and take actions against the alliances who have those players

    I don’t think that’s the case. If you look at Silver 1 for example it only lists 500 alliances. Should be 1500 (From 4500-6000). The cutoffs are off
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    LibenatorLibenator Posts: 6
    We still haven't received our rewards. Any one else having this problem. We finished silver one.
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    RE: people dropping in AW final rank, versus what Rank was saying before rewards came out.
    (make sure you weren’t tracking your Rank that same day after final war ended. it takes many hours before all wars get factored into what everyone sees, otherwise only your own war is factored into the supposed placement it initially shows you).

    **Now, that being said, if you did drop down more once rewards came out (and it wasn’t a case of being docked points due to someone in your ally cheating). Then I might speculate that perhaps they did as everyone up here was clamoring for them to do…
    1) went back and properly administered WR +/- change for Win/Loss at the older scale it used to be.
    2) so every alliance that was claiming they should have been moving UP all season long due to higher WR because they kept winning (note, didn’t see many comments from the flip side, from anyone saying they were the ones losing all season long ?) now would have been in higher Multiplier Tiers.
    3) with their newfound higher Tiers that they should have been in, they maybe got awarded those higher multipliers onto their season points per each of those adjusted wars.
    4) and thus, with so many alliances now being adjusted with higher points, that might be why everyone else (those that didn’t win 10 out of 12 wars) got knocked down lower in overall Rank because of everyone else who got moved above them.
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