Gauntlet run 2022 Discussion thread

Firest0rmFirest0rm Member Posts: 30

Couldn't find a so here's a thread to share all your tips and tricks, reward opening, and more from this year's gauntlet!

No idea how to beat it myself, I failed on doom right away so I suspect I won't deal with this one very easily given I'm **** at super long fights for some reason, but that's just me

Good luck in your gauntlet runs summoners!


  • Firest0rmFirest0rm Member Posts: 30
    Yes I'm responding to my own thread but anyways

    Really wish the preview showed the real values so I can determine the path and damage output instead of these 4 star modded ratings ;-;
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Firest0rm said:

    Yes I'm responding to my own thread but anyways

    Really wish the preview showed the real values so I can determine the path and damage output instead of these 4 star modded ratings ;-;

    It's showing the correct values to me now
    Also u can take help from YouTube videos of last year & some people have started doing it this year as well
    My team will be Ibom, Hercules, Fury, Apoc, AA (Horseman)
  • De_Potato_SaladDe_Potato_Salad Member Posts: 472 ★★★
    im going in with r3 kingpin, apoc, prof x, 5* quake and mr sinister for kp synergy.
    Feel like this is a good team.
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 975 ★★★★
    Currently running it with apoc, KP, prof x, white mags and doom. Making some good progress but I'm playing really poorly on some of the fights. It's costing me quite a few revives as a result
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Watch YT vids from last time. Sasquatch is a run ender if you do not prepare for him. Most other fights are soloable but some take time. Terrax, Spider-ham, Korg and Sasquatch can be difficult. Namor and Quake can take Terrax, spider ham can be soloed with Quake, Prof X or Apoc (very long). Korg can be taken by Prof X, Ghost, Apoc. Sasquatch is doable with torch. Aegon is clutch especially against Thanos.
  • GeoradGeorad Member Posts: 64
    Ok already found it 😅
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    21 fights, just how long does it usually take? I usually look at YT and multiply by 10 for my skill level.
  • Sovi789Sovi789 Member Posts: 53
    For how long will the gauntlet be available? Cuz I don't see a timer on this quest.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,169 ★★★★★
    edited August 2022
    My last run was
    Archangel (horseman)
    Proxima (combo shield only)
    Gladiator Hulk (basically terrax only)

    There wasn’t any one spot I felt exposed, frankly but I had enough items and crystals it didn’t hurt.

    Don’t forget with aegon that you can pause, quit the fight to kill yourself, and keep your combo.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Sovi789 said:

    For how long will the gauntlet be available? Cuz I don't see a timer on this quest.

    Permanent content now.
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  • HavanaknightHavanaknight Member Posts: 489 ★★★

    TyEdge said:

    My last run was
    Archangel (horseman)
    Proxima (combo shield only)
    Gladiator Hulk (basically terrax only)

    There wasn’t any one spot I felt exposed, frankly but I had enough items and crystals it didn’t hurt.

    Don’t forget with aegon that you can pause, quit the fight to kill yourself, and keep your combo.

    who to charge aegon on?
    A lot of people used weapon x to charge aegon.
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,686 ★★★★★

    Etm34 said:

    Ibom - I didn’t bring a poison immune, so used a combo of Falcon and herc. Not awful

    Pretty sure peninsula is poison immune @Etm34
    I went double stupid then, as I had no idea and forgot to use her on nick to cheese the LMD health increase 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Nalak8Nalak8 Member Posts: 387 ★★★
    Etm34 said:

    I did my 2022 run, and went decently. Didn’t keep track of revives, but I had so many in overflow so I didn’t care. My strategy was generally nuke with Herc.

    Team: Hercules (R4), Peni (R4), Falcon (R4), Magneto (R3), Torch (R3)

    Doom - Magneto. 2 SP3 and he’s dead.
    Terrax - Herc. Ramp up, nuke him down.
    Vision - Herc. Nuke down, mags finish
    MODOK - Herc. Smashes after sp1, mags finish
    Ham - annoying because he’s so passive. Falcon
    Weapon X - Peni until I remembered he’s metal. Mags after. Easy life
    Thing - Falcon. Easy fight
    Korg - Falcon, herc nuke to finish.
    Dragon man - annoying. Used the team here. Mags pretty ineffective
    Black Panther - Herc nuke
    Nightcrawler- Falcon. He’s still gonna evade, so lock on and hit into block to switch his mode. Easy after that.
    Gwen - Falcon. She still evades like crazy, so be careful
    Domino - Peni. 2 SP2s with spider sense charges built up and she dies so quickly
    Mojo - Torch cleaned up. Mags finish
    Ibom - I didn’t bring a poison immune, so used a combo of Falcon and herc. Not awful
    Apoc - Peni was awesome until he went incinerate immune. Herc finish
    Sasquatch- I hate lifecycle. Brought Peni for this fight and she was very ineffective. Torch carried
    Killmonger - no armor break = a lot of damage. Herc nuke
    Void - power shield isn’t fun here. Herc nuke was the only option, but it took time
    Fury - not too bad. Herc and Falcon carried
    Nameless Thanos - so much easier than I remembered. Used the team here, herc and Peni did most of the damage, falcon finish as he’s avenger.

    So there’s that. Peni can definitely be subbed out, but she did well enough for most of it I wasn’t mad bringing her. On to the next challenge!

    Great write up! Did you run suicide on your run?
  • edited August 2022
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  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    Just use Ægon, Proxima, Corvus, Torch, and Heimdall. Ægon is slightly annoying to ramp on Doom and Terrax but after every fight is somewhat soloable with him. I definitely recommend him.
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  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    _Sham_ said:

    GOTG said:

    My advice is

    If you have awakened Hercules then don't use Aegon. It's a waste. Hercules can do everything Aegon does without ramp up and one more spot for Proxima M.

    Apocalypse and Hercules will clear 2/3 of the quest for you. You need specific for some really hard fights, which are Spiderham, Sasquatch, Mojo, Dragonman.

    I suggest you bring Void for Sasquatch. I used Apoc and it lasted forever while it can end in 2 minutes with Void. He is the best counter for this fight and this fight alone can define your run.

    Good advise. It's better to bring 5* Void over 6* R3 HT for Sasq ?

    Also is it better to bring Cable or Stryfe for Appoc ?
    I think Void is better because his debuff is passive and Sasquatch isn't immune to passive DOT so once he reach last point of health he will die instantly after one heavy.

    For HT I'm not sure, I think you need his pre-fight abilities.

    Can't say about Stryfe because I don't have him. But I don't think Cable is needed because you need to heavy and any fight you are able to heavy you can use Hercules for same results.
  • Berlad8Berlad8 Member Posts: 114
    I completed this two days ago with apoc,kitty,prof-x,ghost,and spidey99. (all at R3)
    i used 30% boost,and i don't run suicide.

    Terrax-Cheeze with Kitty
    Vision-Cheeze with kitty
    Ham-ProfX with 200% power boost
    WeaponX-Apoc with team help
    Korg- Apoc. It's a great fight to build up his evade charges. just parry wait until the stun about to end then do M-L-L-L.
    Nightcrawler-Apoc solo
    Spider gwen-Apoc solo
    Mojo-easy solo with S99+free healing from the stagger debuffs.
    Ibom-Ghost+200% power boost
    Apoc-Ghost+200% power boost
    Sasquatch-Spidey99 solo
    Void-Team. for me it was the hardest fight of the quest.
    NF-Apoc with team help

    Thanos-Spidey99. he is probably one of the best option for this fight. after one Sp2 he just block Thanos from gaining power with the Wither debuff,and it makes the fight very easy.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • Vis_101Vis_101 Member Posts: 28
    I haven’t made it past Terrax yet. Don’t have Magik and have Namor but only at sig 20.

    Saw a video with Kitty so might have to give that a go. Also have a 5/65 Hercules at sig 200 but not sure if that will be strong enough.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Storm or Mr. Negative?
  • Nalak8Nalak8 Member Posts: 387 ★★★

    Storm or Mr. Negative?

    Negative, of course.
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