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Did anyone notice this?

Avi146Avi146 Posts: 313 ★★
This is the only side quest or even in fact quest that has different dialogue for each path.
Or did I miss any?


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    Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Posts: 13,855 ★★★★★
    It isn't, actually
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    Wicket329Wicket329 Posts: 3,191 ★★★★★

    It isn't, actually

    could you tell us what other past quests have done this?
    There have been some EQs where this has happened and even some old main story quests on gated paths. I remember one specifically where you needed to bring Spider-Man and he’d pop in to say something about his Peter tingle.
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    Avi146Avi146 Posts: 313 ★★

    It isn't, actually

    Oh which other quest did it
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    Avi146Avi146 Posts: 313 ★★
    Wicket329 said:

    It isn't, actually

    could you tell us what other past quests have done this?
    There have been some EQs where this has happened and even some old main story quests on gated paths. I remember one specifically where you needed to bring Spider-Man and he’d pop in to say something about his Peter tingle.
    Ahhh but that’s like very small diff text right?
    Not a complete diff dialogue?
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    For this Galan/DP Side Quest, if you want to see the different dialog at each of the 1st opponents, you’ll have to turn OFF the “Skip Dialog” Setting.

    Otherwise you’ll only see the first time path you do in the quest, not the subsequent paths.

    Although I think that is per difficulty, so in each of the 4 difficulties if you start out on a different path then you could leave the Skip Dialog ON maybe.
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    Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Posts: 13,855 ★★★★★
    Avi146 said:

    It isn't, actually

    Oh which other quest did it
    A couple of them had, can't remember which ones for sure.

    But if we go with the one's that are currently in the game right now, two examples would be Labyrinth and Abyss of Legends.
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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,892 ★★★★★
    I’ll skip the texts always
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    Story content when you got to each boss has a different thing as well. There was a past side quest that did this with storm and other champions on the path.
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    MagrailothosMagrailothos Posts: 5,555 ★★★★★

    Avi146 said:

    It isn't, actually

    Oh which other quest did it
    A couple of them had, can't remember which ones for sure.

    But if we go with the one's that are currently in the game right now, two examples would be Labyrinth and Abyss of Legends.
    In one of the mutant-related quests a few years back: there was a single path where the text was different, with mutants jumping in to tell you their side of the story. Can't remember which, but I'd suspect it was either the quest that introduced Phoenix, or the one with X-Force.
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    Avi146Avi146 Posts: 313 ★★

    Avi146 said:

    It isn't, actually

    Oh which other quest did it
    A couple of them had, can't remember which ones for sure.

    But if we go with the one's that are currently in the game right now, two examples would be Labyrinth and Abyss of Legends.
    Ohhh didn’t know that
    I always skipped the dialogue there
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    Avi146Avi146 Posts: 313 ★★

    Avi146 said:

    It isn't, actually

    Oh which other quest did it
    A couple of them had, can't remember which ones for sure.

    But if we go with the one's that are currently in the game right now, two examples would be Labyrinth and Abyss of Legends.
    In one of the mutant-related quests a few years back: there was a single path where the text was different, with mutants jumping in to tell you their side of the story. Can't remember which, but I'd suspect it was either the quest that introduced Phoenix, or the one with X-Force.
    Ahh glad to hear dat
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    UnidentifiedCreatureUnidentifiedCreature Posts: 589 ★★★
    i even remember one in the infinity war quest, where you had to fight those weird little grey variants of some characters, and the quest dialogue would change depending on what path you chose

    that was a very slight change tho, not as big as this one

    p.s. yes im back to the game and the forums, and i don't think ill quit again anytime soon, and i also look forward to interacting more!!
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    KnordyKnordy Posts: 186 ★★
    Some quest I remember that had a different part of the dialogue are
    Blood and Venom: Symbiomancer some paths had extra dialogue between Hyperion and Howard the Duck, and Spider-man symbiote)
    The Immortal Hulk (it had a different Boss in a quest in certain difficulties, with different dialogue)
    The Rise of X (there was different dialogue when the X-Force characters were appearing)
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,980 ★★★★★
    Maybe an option to replay all the dialogues on exploration?
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    GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Posts: 1,924 ★★★★★
    Pretty cool ngl
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    SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Posts: 1,195 ★★★★
    I think this is also the case with Venom boss in 4.3.6 (is it?).
    He says something like "You're bold to face me head on" or sm
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    Dash855Dash855 Posts: 239
    Lol and aol spring into mind.
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    Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Posts: 497 ★★★

    I think this is also the case with Venom boss in 4.3.6 (is it?).
    He says something like "You're bold to face me head on" or sm

    Yeah, you're given the option to fight the boss instantly and he'll commend you for your bravery if you do
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    ZAHIDMALIK1588ZAHIDMALIK1588 Posts: 624 ★★

    I can't remember exactly which Quests we've done this with in the past, but I know we've done it before. I also just love this line in particular!

    Welcome back Miike!!!
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    Avi146Avi146 Posts: 313 ★★

    I can't remember exactly which Quests we've done this with in the past, but I know we've done it before. I also just love this line in particular!

    Ah cool
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    Avi146Avi146 Posts: 313 ★★

    I think this is also the case with Venom boss in 4.3.6 (is it?).
    He says something like "You're bold to face me head on" or sm

    Noicee didn’t know that
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    Avi146Avi146 Posts: 313 ★★
    Knordy said:

    Some quest I remember that had a different part of the dialogue are
    Blood and Venom: Symbiomancer some paths had extra dialogue between Hyperion and Howard the Duck, and Spider-man symbiote)
    The Immortal Hulk (it had a different Boss in a quest in certain difficulties, with different dialogue)
    The Rise of X (there was different dialogue when the X-Force characters were appearing)

    Ah cool thanks for the info
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    Avi146Avi146 Posts: 313 ★★

    i even remember one in the infinity war quest, where you had to fight those weird little grey variants of some characters, and the quest dialogue would change depending on what path you chose

    that was a very slight change tho, not as big as this one

    p.s. yes im back to the game and the forums, and i don't think ill quit again anytime soon, and i also look forward to interacting more!!

    Ohhh nicee
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