Summ(on)er camp clarification.

So let me get this straight. The objectives are for 33 days? Or do we get only 30 objectives and the 33 days are for completing them? I seem to have missed one (the government shut down the internet for 2 days in my area) so I just need one more to get to the last milestone. Will I be getting it at 10 am as usual or will I be missing out on the rewards? And can anyone share a screenshot of the mail that announced this camp? I checked my read mail but it seems to have gone. Thanks guys, appreciate it
Cheers and happy gaming,
Cheers and happy gaming,
It is the Event Milestones that are only 30.
Final Objective drops very shortly from now, and have 24 hours in which to do it and get any last Milestone if still needed.
**Tip, if you already have all milestones, and think you may miss some days in the next 33 day cycle…
Let this final objective remain UNCLAIMED today, and then when next cycle of Milestones Event drops tomorrow you can claim this one plus tomorrows new objective and begin the new cycle off basically 1 day ahead.
(assuming color of the next cycle's Summer Sunglasses will be identical, purple, and would work for either Event)
I had one saved up from about day 29 (prior to Auto Claim), finishing my milestones with subsequent obj's, and as Crine60 mentioned that earlier saved one went away (and was not counted into new Milestones).
Sorry for my “tip” that didn’t pan out (shouldn’t have affected anyones previous round, but no more potentially taking 4 days off in this new round).