What are all the god tier champions in the game at the moment?

wheatmannwheatmann Member Posts: 186 ★★
edited August 2022 in Strategy and Tips
What are all the god tier champions in the game right now?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    Define what "god tier" champs mean to you, and I'll give you a list. Without a definition, this gets wayyyyyy too subjective.
  • wheatmannwheatmann Member Posts: 186 ★★
    Or just some
  • IlluminantIlluminant Member Posts: 196
    Imo there aren't necessarily just 3 or 4 champs that are significantly better than the rest anymore like how it used to be. But if you want some champions to chase then go for Dr Doom, Black Widow Claire Voyant and Nick Fury. They are some of my favourites rn.
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    Just think about the top champs of each class. I will obviously forget some so feel free to add to this list. The list are champs that I use a lot so I can't comment on newer champs or champs I haven't gotten yet. But if you have all the champs I'm going to mention you can tackle all content available.

    This thing is that some people really really like champs that might not be god tier to you but are god tier to them. This being said:

    Cosmic: cgr, hercules, corvus, hyperion king groot, knull
    Skill: nick fury, aegon, black widow do, falcon
    Science: cap iw, spidey2099, human torch, mr fantastic, ibom, void
    Mystic: doom, black widow cv, diablo, tigra, magik
    Mutant: apoc, stryfe, archangel, havok, magneto, kitty, cable (apoc synergy), prof x, omega red
    Tech: ghost, nimrod, warlock, guardian, ultron, sparky

  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    I am Groot
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
  • redsoxpatsfan89redsoxpatsfan89 Member Posts: 164
    Yeah thats too open of a question. Depends what content are you clearing/need the champs for. What masteries are you running. Are we talking unawakened, awakened low sig or high sig. Just too many different lists for it. And even then its all based on opinion
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,675 ★★★★★

    Lol at all the disagrees on my comment. At least I helped OP instead of saying to broad of a question.

    But that answer isn’t necessarily helpful. OP is clearly new to the game (there’s another thread asking what prestige is) and is trying to find direction with champs. Telling them “you should rank X, Y, or Z champion” isn’t helpful if they are going to interpret it as “these are the only champs I should invest in or play with.”

    The game provides countless options and scenarios that interact in too many ways to count. Telling OP that this isn’t the kind of question they should be asking and that they should instead play around with champions on their own is far better than telling them to zero in on a small core of them.

    I know you have good intentions on this one, but a new player shouldn’t be told “these five champions or bust” for each class. I had a 4* Drax who was my workhorse through my Act 4 run back in the day. Had I been focused on meta champions, I wouldn’t have ranked him and it would’ve taken far longer to progress.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Just think about the top champs of each class. I will obviously forget some so feel free to add to this list. The list are champs that I use a lot so I can't comment on newer champs or champs I haven't gotten yet. But if you have all the champs I'm going to mention you can tackle all content available.

    This thing is that some people really really like champs that might not be god tier to you but are god tier to them. This being said:

    Cosmic: cgr, hercules, corvus, hyperion king groot, knull
    Skill: nick fury, aegon, black widow do, falcon
    Science: cap iw, spidey2099, human torch, mr fantastic, ibom, void
    Mystic: doom, black widow cv, diablo, tigra, magik
    Mutant: apoc, stryfe, archangel, havok, magneto, kitty, cable (apoc synergy), prof x, omega red
    Tech: ghost, nimrod, warlock, guardian, ultron, sparky

    quake is a pretty good science champ too you know
  • DoosraDoosra Member Posts: 360 ★★★
    The ones you like
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,501 ★★★★

    Just think about the top champs of each class. I will obviously forget some so feel free to add to this list. The list are champs that I use a lot so I can't comment on newer champs or champs I haven't gotten yet. But if you have all the champs I'm going to mention you can tackle all content available.

    This thing is that some people really really like champs that might not be god tier to you but are god tier to them. This being said:

    Cosmic: cgr, hercules, corvus, hyperion king groot, knull
    Skill: nick fury, aegon, black widow do, falcon
    Science: cap iw, spidey2099, human torch, mr fantastic, ibom, void
    Mystic: doom, black widow cv, diablo, tigra, magik
    Mutant: apoc, stryfe, archangel, havok, magneto, kitty, cable (apoc synergy), prof x, omega red
    Tech: ghost, nimrod, warlock, guardian, ultron, sparky

    Helpful list.

    There are some that unless you know how to use them will not seem like top tier champions.
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    edited August 2022
    wheatmann said:

    What are all the god tier champions in the game right now?


    GOD tier! XD
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★
    Officially, just use Kabam's #god tag.
  • Pin_the_AvengerPGT17Pin_the_AvengerPGT17 Member Posts: 333 ★★
    DNA3000 said:

    wheatmann said:

    What are all the god tier champions in the game right now?

    I'm going to assume you're new to the game. So I will explain. You are asking a question that might seem innocent to you, but is actually treading upon years of debates and meta debates about the game. Here's the short version. No seriously, this is the short version.

    Once upon a time, nobody knew anything in this game, just like when any game first starts up. Not just in terms of this game, a high percentage of the players of this game when it first launched probably knew little about any game like it. What do players do when everything is knew and everyone is dumb? They start comparing things.

    This champ is great, this one sucks. This one can complete more content, this one less content. And in this game, the comparison quickly focused on one thing: damage. When this game was new, damage was everything. There was completing content, and there was completing content faster. Offense was the best defense. Dead things don't shoot back. This one-dimensional view of how to rank champions haunts us to this day.

    Eventually we grew up and started seeing things less one-dimensionally. We starting seeing "utility" as a thing that could be just as beneficial, if sometimes more beneficial, than raw damage. Star Lord was not the beginning and the end of everything. But this need to place champions into a linear order persisted. Surely no matter what kinds of things champs could do, some were still better than others. Surely some were at the top and some were at the bottom. Thus was born the ranking lists, aka tier lists.

    I'm going to skip a couple years of tier list evolution, because its boring. More important is that almost immediately after the birth of the tier list came the counter-clash. When you say this champ is "god-tier" and this one is not, why? What does that mean? Does that mean the first champ is always better than the second one? Does that mean you should always rank the first over the second? When you get them, and rank them, and bring them, do you even know what you're supposed to do with them?

    Tier lists can be a useful guide, but they can also replace actual knowledge. As quickly as tier lists proliferated, people began to complain that there was a whole generation of players using them in place of knowledge. Everyone knows Stark Enhanced Spiderman is better than X-23 because he's god tier and she's not. Worse, players started complaining that they brought a "god tier team" to some piece of content and they failed, so the content must be unfair or broken. After all, how can a team of gods ever fail? If that team couldn't do it, what team could?

    More experienced, more skilled players began to see tier lists as a crutch. Worse, the game itself started to evolve in directions that made the whole question of which champ is better even more complicated. Content started rewarding roster diversity. This champ won't work, but that champ will. This champ doesn't do much, but it really shines here. Content stopped being one-dimensional. It wasn't enough to be god tier, you had to be the right kind of god. In a world where sometimes you need bleed or sometimes you need something that *doesn't* crit or that *doesn't* heal, which champ was better and which was worse was increasingly a question whose answer was "it depends." No tier list can capture that.

    The crust cooled, the oceans formed, and the continents shifted, and now we're here. Tier lists are now considered the Sesame Street alphabets of the MCOC world. They are fun, colorful, and who doesn't like to see Cookie Monster. But the idea of them being anything more than casual conversation starter has passed, and with them the notion that "god tier" is a title worth anything.

    Are there champs that are, in general, better than average. Yes. No one is going to argue that Hercules, Kitty Pryde, Cosmic Ghost Rider, or Archangel are anything but extremely strong and extremely valuable champs. But what does that mean? You still need to know what they do, how they work, and where they don't work, or knowing that is not terribly useful. Who are the god tier champs? Why are you asking? Are you wondering who you should rank up? Post your options, and people will be more than happy to give you advice. Are you wondering who you should use in certain content? Post a question, and people will be more than happy to give you options.

    But if you just want to know, for no particular reason, people will assume it is because you believe you don't need to give a reason: god tier is god tier, right?

    No, it is not. And asking that way will suggest to many people that you don't deserve an answer, because any answer they give will be more dangerous than useful.

    And then the asteroid struck the Earth and killed all the dinosaurs. But not Hercules, because he triggered immortality. That guy is definitely god tier.
    It’s almost as if Hercules was your first rank 4 6*, then Kitty Pryde, then the other 3 being Shang Chi, Overseer, and then in the last couple of days, Omega Sentinel.
  • Pin_the_AvengerPGT17Pin_the_AvengerPGT17 Member Posts: 333 ★★
    But seriously, I’d say that for a raw percentage, I’m guessing 67% of the champions are around that arena of “god tier”. Hercules to Groot. Dr Doom to Guillotine. Apocalypse to Psylocke. Human Torch to MODOK. Nick Fury to Korg. Ghost to Kang.

    You won’t just want to know who is and isn’t better than who, because that is just a starting point. At the end of the day, you should be asking among which of your selection of champions should be ranked up for a specific piece of content. It’s not a matter of whether Annihilus is better than Nova, but which champion would shine better on a specific path in a specific quest… obviously Annie’s better than Nova, but still.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★

    Just think about the top champs of each class. I will obviously forget some so feel free to add to this list. The list are champs that I use a lot so I can't comment on newer champs or champs I haven't gotten yet. But if you have all the champs I'm going to mention you can tackle all content available.

    This thing is that some people really really like champs that might not be god tier to you but are god tier to them. This being said:

    Cosmic: cgr, hercules, corvus, hyperion king groot, knull
    Skill: nick fury, aegon, black widow do, falcon
    Science: cap iw, spidey2099, human torch, mr fantastic, ibom, void
    Mystic: doom, black widow cv, diablo, tigra, magik
    Mutant: apoc, stryfe, archangel, havok, magneto, kitty, cable (apoc synergy), prof x, omega red
    Tech: ghost, nimrod, warlock, guardian, ultron, sparky

    Add : Kingpin, Spiderham, Rintrah, Shang-chi, Sersi, Storm, Hood….
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,881 ★★★★★
    Scorpion Spidey 2099 Herc nimrod hulkling doctor doom Corvus Magneto red
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,675 ★★★★★

    But seriously, I’d say that for a raw percentage, I’m guessing 67% of the champions are around that arena of “god tier”. Hercules to Groot. Dr Doom to Guillotine. Apocalypse to Psylocke. Human Torch to MODOK. Nick Fury to Korg. Ghost to Kang.

    You won’t just want to know who is and isn’t better than who, because that is just a starting point. At the end of the day, you should be asking among which of your selection of champions should be ranked up for a specific piece of content. It’s not a matter of whether Annihilus is better than Nova, but which champion would shine better on a specific path in a specific quest… obviously Annie’s better than Nova, but still.

    I’m gonna pretend I didn’t just see Psylocke being compared to Groot…

    But this difference of opinion is exactly why tier lists don’t work. Where one player may think that Psylocke is trash because of her low damage, another may find her utility to be some of the most powerful in the game. It’s all about what your roster looks like and what content you’re trying to do.
  • Nalak8Nalak8 Member Posts: 387 ★★★
    I got my Buddha tier list but it won’t be the same as yours.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,394 Guardian
    Denslo500 said:

    You guys kill me.
    All this rhetoric on how meaningless tier lists are, but 99% of our rank ups are the SAME CHAMPS!!!!
    There is a reason high level Arena fights are always against the same short list of champs.
    Sometimes the choices are 3 Doom teams or 3 Hercules teams.
    And yes, 1% of the time we all have niche rank ups that "prove" we don't follow the herd. Congratulations.

    Ironically, this is the exception that proves the rule. At the high end, yes, there are champs far more common than average. But they aren't the most powerful champs that show up at the top of most players' tier lists. They are the top prestige champs. Sure, you see Doom a lot, you see Apoc a lot. But you also see Silver Surfer a lot, as well as Thor Ragnarok, Phoenix, and Sunspot. You see those guys because a) they are top prestige champs which are ranked up more often than average and b) because of the way the arena selects opponent teams high prestige champs automatically rise to the top. So they are ranked more often for prestige, and then that prestige carries them to the higher end of the match up teams.

    Except no one uses tier lists for prestige rank ups. They use auntm.ai. No one's tier list affects those arena teams. This isn't a point in favor of tier lists. This is an example of when they have no value.

    The reason why you often see three Dooms or three Hercs, but you see three Groots or three Guillotines far less often, is because the higher the champ's prestige, the less other champs with similar prestige exist. So the arena is more likely to pick two or three of the same champ just by random chance when assembling teams when the search target is in the high prestige area then when it is the middle of the prestige area.
  • wheatmannwheatmann Member Posts: 186 ★★
    To clear things up, I started in March 2022 and was Purley curious
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