Don't have him so can't really give an opinion on him
Though I must say from what I've noticed, his regeneration on awakening, which makes him really good (or that's what people say at least), isn't really that useful in actual fights since you can't really keep blocking that much (and even if you do, you'll probably lose more health than you gain overall). Regarding his damage output from stacking bleeds and powergain—don't think it's as high as shown in Seatin's RoL video in actual fights since in that fight, the player went crazy on WS with special attack spamming. In real fights, where you have to bait and evade as well, you won't stack as many bleeds and won't power gain as fast either. But his increased attack from danger sense is nuts. I've seen a 4/55 blade take down a 4/55 Magik in 10 hits
I could be wrong, but isn't blade one of the God-tier skill & bleed champion (+regen) right now?
heard he is pretty OP, and lots of end game players are spinning rounds and rounds of 5* featured shards trying to get him
Don't have him so can't really give an opinion on him
Though I must say from what I've noticed, his regeneration on awakening, which makes him really good (or that's what people say at least), isn't really that useful in actual fights since you can't really keep blocking that much (and even if you do, you'll probably lose more health than you gain overall). Regarding his damage output from stacking bleeds and powergain—don't think it's as high as shown in Seatin's RoL video in actual fights since in that fight, the player went crazy on WS with special attack spamming. In real fights, where you have to bait and evade as well, you won't stack as many bleeds and won't power gain as fast either. But his increased attack from danger sense is nuts. I've seen a 4/55 blade take down a 4/55 Magik in 10 hits
Sorry, disagree. Healing is very easy and very fast. Here’s a real fight with bait and evade vs LOL Red Hulk, about as real as it gets:
Let me change that
Ha. Genuinely, or just being controversial?!
Don't have him so can't really give an opinion on him
Though I must say from what I've noticed, his regeneration on awakening, which makes him really good (or that's what people say at least), isn't really that useful in actual fights since you can't really keep blocking that much (and even if you do, you'll probably lose more health than you gain overall). Regarding his damage output from stacking bleeds and powergain—don't think it's as high as shown in Seatin's RoL video in actual fights since in that fight, the player went crazy on WS with special attack spamming. In real fights, where you have to bait and evade as well, you won't stack as many bleeds and won't power gain as fast either. But his increased attack from danger sense is nuts. I've seen a 4/55 blade take down a 4/55 Magik in 10 hits
heard he is pretty OP, and lots of end game players are spinning rounds and rounds of 5* featured shards trying to get him
Sorry, disagree. Healing is very easy and very fast. Here’s a real fight with bait and evade vs LOL Red Hulk, about as real as it gets:
The fight is far from flawless and Blade still sails through it.