Quicksilver early access? Hunger marketing?

Kabam makes quicksilver the second released champ this month and hasn’t released his early access bundle? Is that hunger marketing? When is the offer available?
I don’t want this to come across accusatory, I just feel that since the community found this within half an hour of testing, it just confuses me a little how it takes until now for a red flag to be raised.
Maybe the devs wanted to see how a broken synergy would affect other game modes or change up who people use for AQ or AW. Even though it is a powerful synergy, it still might not have much of an effect on the current meta of the game.
Interesting that Kabam is only now aware of it potentially being overpowered.
Dunno much about the interactions, but seems like solutions could be that the prowess doesn't stack, or like the QS side of the synergy, that it only boosts the first special.