Heavy Attacks can be Parried again?

I was playing in the arena and several times this match up happened where I was fighting with Hyperion against an Ultron and Ultron was able to parry Hyperions heavy attack multiple times in each fight. I thought this wasn't possible to do anymore?
It makes me really irritated when they can do all kinds of things we cant and at times the ai just goes insane and starts wrecking you.
No way? It was a thing a long time ago but I'm pretty sure it was changed and taken out of the game?
Hmmmm...Video Evidence? Parry a heavy from the AI If you can,Please
OK. I'll try that sometime for testing.
Then again,AI doesn't need luck and skill to parry your heavy (If it's even possible)
Even if I pray specials,I don't stun 'em,lol.
I meant "parry",Lol.