6 Star Thing or 5 Star Mr. Negative?

BluekirbsBluekirbs Member Posts: 2
Was planning on getting my new 6* Thing to 1/25, though I also have a 5* Mr. Negative who I also haven’t touched. Who would be the better option offensive wise. My 5* 4/55 torch makes me lean more towards thing, though I am pretty unfamiliar with both and don’t exactly know which one would benefit me more. Im a new cav btw, if that influences anything.


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    Mr N brings more to the table than Thing, but Mr N has quite the skill requirements for getting most out of him.

    Thing is a safe, reliable and sturdy option. Depends really
  • Iron_J3Iron_J3 Member Posts: 269
    I recently pulled one of my 1st 5 stars, which is Mister Negative. I’ve tested him different ways. Seems he could be very legit in many aspects. I asked a similar question in another thread with opinions about him. I’d lean to beefing up Mister Negative. Learn best way to use him. He’s unique. Knowing how to use him goes long ways.
  • SazedSazed Member Posts: 304 ★★
  • Denslo500Denslo500 Member Posts: 905 ★★★
    Thing (6* R3) is a solid standard fighter, BUT he doesn't do Science node triggers (can get Weakness, but only off SP1, so not much benefit). I can't effectively use him for Monthly events. 5* Ibom or 5* CAIW are my monthly go-to's
    I don't know if Mr N is any better.
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