Galan shouldnt be this good, thoughts?

For some reason Galan is conduit, and on defense he is really hard to solo. There are very few good counters to him since he's nullify immune (very interactive) and he's just annoying. I have a feeling Kabam is going to release someone else just as good as him on defense again when these tactics expire. Everybody just drops their money on him to get a good war boss for the next couple seasons, then when the tactics change, they release a new champion who everybody whales on. What do you guys think? I might be wrong here.
- he wasn’t on conduit because he’s a new champ
- There were more mystic conduit attackers
Galan is a very specific kind of champion who needs a very specific counter to stop him getting his buffs. And that’s even without the global, to then reduce that even further so there is only 1 champion who can actually stop his buffs from triggering on the attack tactic (Sym supreme) and he can’t even do it fully, only through stagger. I think that’s poor design.
AAR can also work against him, but that’s a small list too. And with some nodes on the map, it just makes it impossible to find a good counter that actually counters Galan and the node. You have to use a nuke option, or just hope for the best. Which, for a game based on finding the best counter and rewarding good planning, doesn’t really track.
@BitterSteel had a great thread on this :
With no response so far.
They also stealth added galan which is pretty nonsense.