Portals requirements

In this month side quest we have portal requirements so it would be a nice feature (QOL in my opinion) to have the ability to select the champion just by clicking the portal icon. Not in the quest but before entering like in this photo.

Yes, would be a good idea.
Treat them like the Synergy champ profiles, where you can click and drag them onto your Team Edit section. Probably should change that view above to show them with their normal 6*/5*/4*/etc Borders around them (corresponding to which versions you have), with subsequent clicks on them would toggle through the different Star versions you own for you to select which one you want to drag and add.
Instead of how it looks now with a RED profile border around them.
And that if you don’t have any version of one of those champs, would look similar to Synergy case where you don’t own any of them.