Dr. Strange now is the time

With the introduction of 6* Scarlet Witch it has me reminiscing about the golden era of MCOC. This was before the dark times before 12.0. Now is the time to make Dr. STRANGE the Sorcerer Supreme. It’s long over due and he needs buffed with out losing his base kit especially his sig ability. He was my first R3 six star and I have been waiting for the buff eagerly. I’m afraid with all these synergies Kabam thinks that will be enough. No sir he needs buffed!
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on
Just like they should remove star lords limit or make og bw 100% aar. But if they do that, that would be them admitting something they didn’t want to back then.
Dr. Strange was actually almost as much a victim of the weird armor break mechanics that existed before 12.0 as OG Thor. There was nothing wrong with OG Thor in terms of his intrinsic abilities per se: the problem was he stacked armor breaks, and in 11.x and earlier armor breaks stacked multiplicatively. In other words, each armor break doubled (more or less) the damage that Thor could do. Six armor breaks from Thor wasn't seven times more damage, it was sixty-four times more damage, which was ludicrous. However, that was less Thor's armor break strength, and more armor break mechanics. Once those mechanics were changed in 12.0, Thor was far less powerful. Hitting him on top of that was the devs being overcautious.
Less often discussed is that Dr. Strange also suffered from looking ridiculous due to the old armor break mechanics. He could also stack armor breaks although less so than Thor. But Dr. Strange could do something Thor couldn't: heal via life transfer. The higher his damage, the more healing he got. So if you played Strange correctly, you could stack armor breaks and then land huge specials while in healing phase and basically heal to full in one SP2.
A lot of this was due to the absurd armor break stacking that was only possible in 11.x and earlier. Had they not touched Strange at all, his damage and healing would have still been substantially reduced, but at the time he would have still been absurdly powerful compared to contemporary champions of the day. In my opinion he was hit too hard, but he was going to get hit no matter what.
Today, less so. But while he's no longer in danger of being absurdly powerful if buffed, he's also not the most in need of a buff. I would expect, however, if he was specifically targeted for review, he'd probably be balanced upward a bit.
I’ve resigned myself to the reality that most of the OG champs have been abandoned by the team. Doc doesn’t make money, ergo effort on him would be wasted. That’s a shame, but hoping for him to become relevant again is hoping in vain.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Strange was done dirty. I just watched the deep dive for Infamous Iron Man and the entire time I was just thinking... daaaaang this dude does everything - literally everything. And at the same time, I was thinking, sure seems odd that they release champs like this, but don't just go back and restore the OG champs to what they used to be (or even like 75% of their previous power). I mean, Thor, Strange and Switch don't even have any immunities. They hit like trucks, but that only gets you so far... plus we have champs like Quick Silver that erase health pools in seconds after the build up and has a ton of utility too.
This video is from the July update and it was a Buff then.
Ref: @Jaded