Really, you put the OLD Thor up in Arena MAIN?!?!?!!??!?!!?!??!

I just SPENT HOURS AND HOURS GRINDING, only to Realize you guys put up the old THOR in the Main Arena!!!!!
This is Absolute Bait and Switch, filing a Complaint with Apple!
This is Absolute Bait and Switch, filing a Complaint with Apple!
They gave you AMPLE information before hand that it is the original Thor. You can't call it bait and switch.
.... Ok putting exclamation points at the end of your sentences just because you made a mistake doesn't make you seem more persuasive.
Bait and switch would have implied they told you that you were getting something else. The picture on the arena was old Thor, it shows which one it is under rewards, and the schedule for new champions is every other week and an arena schedule is posted.
The arena schedules follow the 5 star crystal releases and a new character gets released every other week. New thor is next Thur. on the 9th.
It's for diversity my friend. All heroes are equals in the diversity world lol
Diversity? I have yet to see Star Lord placed as defender.
New Thor may not be very good, but he's not actually weaker than Spidergwen. Her damage has always been decent and in that video it's a speed race where Thor is doing repeat special 3's. The animation on the special 3 alone takes up time.
Both Thor and Hela are not quick to ramp up. They are both slow to ramp up and supposed to be able to do big damage when they get there. Of course, with new Thor that means being duped with a high sig level.
Do I think either one of them is very good? Actually no... they both seem a little too slow to ramp for the pay off being provided and are almost pure damage dealers with little utility. I just felt the need to point out that the video about Spidergwen wasn't meant to be an end-all be all test to that character, it was just something for fun they posted. You're never going to have an even speed test when the character you are testing has to repeat the special 3 animation over and over.