Why not add gladiator hulk??

You guys really missed an opportunity by not adding him he was phenomenal in that movie. Just hoping to see if I can get a reason why from you guys didn't add an awesome character Like Gladiator Hulk but you guys have 6 versions of Iron Man.
I've seen this argument multiple times, but it doesn't actually make that much sense. They've been spitting out characters who excel vs Mystics for ages now including giving a bunch of them extra abilities that counter what Mystics do. Green Goblin, Mephisto, and Blade all have Mystic countering abilities and that's only three of them.
On top of that people don't spend money on AW they use Glory, which you get for free. Plus they made AW easier, so those Mystic champions aren't sitting on impossible nodes.
Now if it's a high end alliance who is willing to just drop units to buy alliance revives/potions outside the Glory store then that's up to them, but they would do that regardless of what they were fighting.
Before this it was the Science class that was the big defenders (duped Spiderman and Electro). Having a ton of Mystic defenders now just kills your diversity rating and makes it easier for your opponents to bring the correct type of attackers (Science).
Kabam makes the majority of it's money on whales who go for new characters or on special deals that cater to high end players. AW isn't high on that list; particularly because even if you wanted to use units you can farm units from arena crystals, you don't have to necessarily spend any actual money on them.
Because the Robbie Reyes one is the most recent and less well known GR. She's gaining popularity, but for years it was Johnny Blaze and that's who people are familiar with.
Surtur would have been cool though. Actually I would have taken Heimdall also. His all seeing vision thing could have been a form of anti evasion/anti block.
Let’s keep this thread about adding Gladiator Hulk to the game guys lol
All those versions are terrible, OG hulk is the best but he has been out from day 1 it's time for an upgrade.
How is he bland? After being duped he is the best champ to fight the collector. Plus he does a ton of damage and can chain stuns.
joke aside, I personally would prefer Gladiator Hulk, than this Gladiator Thor, considering Science class has been long neglected and it is time it needs a new additional, and this is just a very good time, but Kabam is passing Gladiator Hulk up for Gladiator Thor instead ...
He is just very boring to me. I dont enjoy using him and he is one of my favorite Marvel characters. He needs to be updated.
Love Hulk. He's a beast and I'd love to get a 5* version. He isn't the best champ for the collector (Stark Spiderman and OG vision are both much better options, not that I have either lol), but he's really good. Science definitely needs new champs though.
M.O.D.O.K could be science.
But yeah,Mystics ARE Kabam's Money Makers AKA Most Over powered Champions.
Also why add him in a ragnorok event when we could get a Planet Hulk event?