No special 3 skip in battle grounds?

What is the logic behind having no special 3 skip in battle grounds and anywhere else for that matter? It’s really annoying and screws you over anytime you’re using a champ that relies on sp3 or if you accidentally get pushed to sp3 or even if you push them to a sp3 (which is bad enough usually to begin with without wasting your time as well). It would be one thing if it didn’t count against your time but it does. It literally makes no sense. Every player can and should use the sp3 skip so there should be no reason not to have that available everywhere.
And will not work in future fights with a timer.
Also u assume everyone has the skip button activated.
You say there are no negatives to allowing SP3 skip, but granting these champions this advantage is seen as a negative. The fact that you don't agree doesn't make it any less of a negative the devs eliminated with this decision.
It is also worth noting that the SP3 skip didn't always exist. For a time it was a beta feature, and the competitive game metas evolved at a time when this feature did not exist, and most champion designs were formulated at a time before this feature existed. So allowing SP3 skip when this originally did not exist was an unintended shift in meta for a feature that was intended to be strictly a QoL change. QoL changes are not allowed to change things like the game economy or the competitive meta.