Hyperion SP3

Animation is inconsistant with how its executed. First he slams the AI face into the ground rendering them unconsious yet when he is flying down towards them they are suddenly on their back holding there hand up.
am i too believe that the AI happens to awake from their beauty sleep to turn around and notice hyperion soaring towards them lol
am i too believe that the AI happens to awake from their beauty sleep to turn around and notice hyperion soaring towards them lol
Getting off Planet and back would Take more time the Animation can affort.
My Scarlet Witch says otherwise. As does Magik, Dorm, Hawkeye, Vision and all the other good power control champions that are out there. Even Iceman is a great counter to him. lots of options.
Hood stagger does wonderous lol
We simply have to calculate the distance to sub-orbit compared to the speed of sound (sonic speed) to see how super sonic Hyperion needs to fly in order to accomplish this in the given time frame right?
Distance to suborbit is approx. 62 mi. (x2 for round trip)
Mach 1 (speed of sound) is approx. 767 mph
Assuming Hyperion's flight animation is 3 seconds (1.5 seconds there and 1.5 seconds back)
Then he would have to travel at almost Mach 200 or so. I don't know, I'm not an expert...
Mach 200! Imagine that though, that's a FACT.
This guy just won the whole day
At that velocity (about 66.5 km/sec) Hyperion lands with the kinetic energy of about 100 of these detonating simultaneously: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massive_Ordnance_Penetrator