When is the VFX issues going to be fixed?! Timing for this is terrible .

There IS a bug , not "appears to be" a bug with visual effects. In my opinion this is one of the worst, and more embarrassing bugs to date. I am sort of surprised more people aren't as upset as I am.
This bug came after the hot fix, after 8.1.1 went live.. and now the final boss is bugged with invisible traps ... kitty cant phase, herc immortality is indistinguishable, and all I see is a banner saying there "appears to be a bug" ... this is a bit on the crazy side.
Any ETA on the fix? I want to fight 8.1.1 boss and war season is right around the corner. Today?... I hope... ? I cant foresee any scenario where this should take 72+ hours.
This bug came after the hot fix, after 8.1.1 went live.. and now the final boss is bugged with invisible traps ... kitty cant phase, herc immortality is indistinguishable, and all I see is a banner saying there "appears to be a bug" ... this is a bit on the crazy side.
Any ETA on the fix? I want to fight 8.1.1 boss and war season is right around the corner. Today?... I hope... ? I cant foresee any scenario where this should take 72+ hours.
Kitty phase
Ghost phase
Doom aura
Kraven trap
BW act 8 boss trap
Omega Red death factor
Emma Frost Diamond Form
Hood Phase
Rintrah Root
Masacre Bat
Terrax rock field
CMM binary
Galan planets
IW invisibility
Stryfe cloak
Mephisto Aura
Darkhawk Stealth
Miles invisibility
Aegon Shield
Knull corruption
Negs corruption
Torch nova flame
Warlock infection
Mysterio gas
G99 cloak
BWCV sp2
Herc immorality
Champion Unstoppable Aura
These are all that a line chat logged, its considerable especially when trying to either use an attacker or go against invisible traps, or hit into non phased appearance.
Anyway, KABAMM, you dont appear to have a problem, you HAVE a problem. Whats the fix, eta, compensation. Seriously, comp is usually overblown and asked for a lot but the game is unplayable. All I’ve done for 2 days now is auto play stuff to burn energy but items are soon to expire..
Please COMMUNICATE more than a banner.
For some reason I feel like kabamm employees are off playing checkers in the park, not giving their job 2 seconds of thought. Maybe that’s not the case but there’s no communication otherwise to make me think different.
The first streams of the final boss had the traps , kitty phase showing , etc. out of no where it occurred.
It’s like an “engine” of some kind that is responsible for enhanced visuals broke. Being that it’s always worked , I would assume it would be easy enough to back track to the point where it worked. Quite frankly, I am a bit nervous that this is going to last a long time because it was going to be an easy fix , or not .. and if it’s not … who knows.
I really don’t think they’re letting it stay like this , to cause trouble … but it has surely affected some quite a bit. Pretty unfortunate and rather disappointing.
At this point, compensation should be a when question and not if.