Please postpone aw season

Please postpone aw season until the vfx issues are corrected. Difficulty is significantly increased without the visual cues commonly used. It’s unfair to put out a competitive game mode with the current state of the game.
We run 1 bg during off season for loyalty, got smoked by guilly 99 last round. Even if it’s the same for everyone it’s total bs right now and aw should definetly be put on hold.
Kraven's traps? Knull's Corruption? Various champs invisibility or Miss mechanics?
Sounds like a lot of pain for attackers (and a sudden drop in Defender Diversity in favour of such champs, who are suddenly disproportionately difficult...)
I saw the traps, but every time I pushed him in... it didn't work.
Then when the duel was over... game hung (that bug is back).
Did a game restart... redid the duel... Now everything works.
I suggest restarting game to get things flushed / working
This issue should now be resolved! Thank you all for your patience as we worked to address this issue. We'll be monitoring the situation and looking at how it affected Summoners during the duration of the Bug.
Attack tactics is still not working in AW
You took the risk so live with the consequences
And this is not after running the game after 1 hr issues, it's my first 10 streak in arena after I opened my game
Terrax’s Rock Field causes his power bar to grey out.
Emma’s states are shown under her health bar.
Yes there are vfx issues, but that doesn’t mean it totally handicapped anyone or caused a “massive drop in enjoyment”.