Best Neutralize Champ according to you?

Hrishikesh713Hrishikesh713 Member Posts: 712 ★★★
edited October 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Taking account of all factors like Playability, Damage Output , Survivability , Ease of use who do you think among these 3 is best Neutralize Champ?? Also do you think these champs would lose some relevance in future as neutralize has been added to aa reduction?

Best Neutralize Champ according to you? 67 votes

BitterSteelMegaSkater67heruheru511NescioVergeman78Sw0rdMasterBrokenTheLegend27AmaadAkiraButtehrsRookiieIvarTheBonelessRockypantherxRyan18thEtjamakubricknolanHera1d_of_Ga1actusFenicoGodslayer_1Berjibs 43 votes
zuffyPwf57Osfan8Liquidkoldmikeimp123PanbohAMS94H3t3rFiiNCHFabwiziGiantwalrus56Just_grinding30ishZAHIDMALIK1588Dark_hoodsOrtounabelardoMiniMFKhraan 19 votes
Deandc43Gogeta91199laserjohn26Sahil_R_RanaYato 5 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Hrishikesh713Hrishikesh713 Member Posts: 712 ★★★

    I know you said ease of use, but personally I don’t take that as much into account when I judge best champ - because I judge a champ on their ceiling (unless it’s taken to the extreme and absurdly hard to pull off, which tigra is not). You wouldn’t say Guardian is overall a better champion than ghost because he’s easier to play.

    If you asked who is the better champion to rank up, then I’d add the caveat that guardian may be better to rank up that ghost if you don’t like her style. And same here, Wiccan or Rintrah may be better to rank up if you don’t enjoy tigra. But tigra is overall better.

    Tigra is hard to learn, but anyone can do it if they stick at it and practice. And once you have, she will be able to take fights she has absolutely no right to take because of how powerful she is. The style of knocking down, never blocking, avoiding all nasty projectiles means the AI is more likely to throw specials, you do tons of damage while avoiding theirs.

    Tigra has the most potential of all of them, and that’s taking nothing away from either of the others. Both are fantastic champions I’d love to get.

    As for losing relevance due to immunity to AAR, I have not seen my tigra play to go down even 1% since the change.

    The immunity to AAR + footloose node in AW was changed (little bit awkward for the people who said kabam changed her because she was too good in AW). She still works against Mordo as of now, which is the only immune to AAR champion that is actually hard as a defender that you’d use tigra for. (If that’s changed it’ll be a shame but still, one champion you can’t use her that you would for ain’t bad.)

    And the only node in AW with immunity to AAR is debuff immune on knock down. I don’t think it’s a big factor.

    I actually think it’s a net positive, now we can use immune to AAR champs to counter Wiccan and Rintrah. Archangel crushes both without even trying now.

    Awesome Writeup my man....So much clarity 💪 @BitterSteel
  • Sean_WhoSean_Who Member Posts: 618 ★★★
    Everything outweighs ease of use so heavily, that she still takes top spot in my opinion.

    She's really not that hard to learn, especially in content where you can watch a video and practise fight – I will say somewhere like BG that requires you to have the knowledge already... that's a different story and requires more skill/knowledge of champions.
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    It was a tough call between Tigra and Rintrah, but I went with the bull just because he is more forgiving to sloppy play. Don't get me wrong. I love my Tigra, but unless there are hard to dex non contact specials, I will probably take Rintrah instead. Both of mine are 6 r2, unawakened, so the decision may shift once one or both of them get awakened.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    My answer is Tigra as well, for pretty much the reasons @BitterSteel listed. There's a reason she was my first r4 champion ranked up with resources (second only to iBom who I took up with a 3-4 gem).

    However, having played around with Rintrah a lot since I pulled him, I have a feeling that his value will skyrocket in the future. While it is of course extremely valuable to be able to avoid projectiles, Rintrah's ability to heal from blocked hits is just bonkers as well. If you take a multi-hit special into the block, you can heal an insane amount. Even if you don't outright heal as much, his ability to just tank specials into his block is insane.

    It's also worth noting that he has 200% neutralize potency (against Cosmic and Superior champions) compared to Tigra's normal 100%. How won't get around champions who are outright immune to ability accuracy modification, but most nodes that simply increase Cosmic/Superior champions' ability accuracy won't affect him like it does Tigra.

    They aren't equal yet. But I really wouldn't count out Rintrah either. I suspect that we've only seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of what he can do.
  • GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,955 ★★★★★
    More damage
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    I'd say rintrah is the better champ overall. I think he's gonna be like spidy 2099 and just skyrocket to being one of the most used and wanted champs for war.
  • Dark_hoodsDark_hoods Member Posts: 157 ★★
    i know tigras better but i like rintrah alot more, super tanky and pretty easy to play, and those massive yellow numbers are always nice to see
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