Should this crystals be updated?

MᗅՏᗅCREMᗅՏᗅCRE Member Posts: 185 ★★
edited October 2022 in Suggestions and Requests

Should this crystals be updated? 29 votes

No, Its fine
Kappa2g 1 vote
MongoPawnJinxesaxeMqc19Vergeman78LilMaddogHTJahVinci1982LiquidkoldYaBoyHersheyRiasGremoryRookiieBlackOracleyücel53Noob_Master69Dfour24FabwiziZ2f6hQChatterofforumsCybourgRokuYodabolt21StarSmasher2001 27 votes
Don't really care, tbh
TheLightBringer 1 vote
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    edited October 2022
    Updates are needed to many of the crystals.
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,592 ★★★★★
    Or at least a third level that has something useful in them.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,618 ★★★★★
    I doubt they'll be updated se. Kabam would just make a new tier with 5* stuff in it.
  • RiasGremoryRiasGremory Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2022

    I think 10k is for the highest crystal a bit over priced , 5k would be so much better , and so they can add a tier 4 crystal with a 10k cost ,

    I see it coming , new tier 4 crystal will be 20.000k or 50.000k shards :/
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