AQ problem with score !!!

Last week:

This week:

We play 55555 this and last week i check every day score each group and was same so we did it for sure 100%

This week:

We play 55555 this and last week i check every day score each group and was same so we did it for sure 100%
I could have sworn last week both the symbis and regular champs were giving very similar scores on day 5, not a 6k difference certain.
For some reason the last day doesn't have as big of a jump...its been that way.
Last day doesnt have as big a jump?
Its been that way?
If you would actually read what everyone else wrote above you would realize what causes this issue and that it affects everyone, not just you. So, stop spamming when you don't get an answer that you don't like from the forum community.
To help you understand what the community as a whole is rather smart enough to figure out but you have not yet.