What do we actually get for Paragon?

I got paragon yesterday after completing 8.1 (got stung on the rewards so bittersweet!)
I know for Paragon we get better daily crystals but I had a few questions about other areas.
My calendar for October is exactly the same as it was before offer a 4-5 star Ikaris and 250 6* shards for the last 3 days of the month is this correct?
Additionally golden circle in the sigil still gives me 150,000 gold an is showing thronebreaker, is this correct or should there be a paragon version?
Lastly daily deals I get that the stamp card will fill if I buy a thronebreaker deal but is there any indication that there is a paragon daily deal coming?
I know for Paragon we get better daily crystals but I had a few questions about other areas.
My calendar for October is exactly the same as it was before offer a 4-5 star Ikaris and 250 6* shards for the last 3 days of the month is this correct?
Additionally golden circle in the sigil still gives me 150,000 gold an is showing thronebreaker, is this correct or should there be a paragon version?
Lastly daily deals I get that the stamp card will fill if I buy a thronebreaker deal but is there any indication that there is a paragon daily deal coming?
2. You have to become a paragon player before the calendar starts. That is, you ll get the paragon calendar from next month only.
3. There is no paragon version of the golden circle(seems constant with many other things that doesnt have paragon version).
4. There is no word for the daily deal itself but if you have been saving the thronebreaker stamps, you can get more rewards than thronebreakers.
Hope this clears your doubts.
Others are still positive benefits over Thronebreaker but nothing substantial