Genuine question.

I have a r3 ghost, a tech awakening gem and a tech 3-4 rank up gem. I really don't understand why everyone says Ghost's awakening is amazing as one left swipe can do most of what the awakening does. I agree that power gain is good but is it really worth a 6 star awakening gem?
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Personally I wouldn’t, but then I rarely play with her and I’m not very good.
Also what are your other options? Is there anybody who would benefit more from it that you haven’t got yet?
personally i dont run suicides, so i dont get the dmg, also why i dont use her(have her awakened and r3 to test out but i never use her tbh.) shes useless in most tech cavs as she has no armor ups as a tech which is the majority of the buffs or power drain.
shes great for a lot of bosses in all types of content especially fully boosted.
shes cool and all but like all champs you dont have to use meta or what others use, use what you want and deal with the outcomes as they come
Here is a comparison between an awakened and unawakened ghost:
And kudos to @Amazing_Demon05 for highlighting all the essential facts!