Why didnt they make bounty quest a hourly rotation? the "finding" part is so dumb

claimed like 8 milestones no rift,
it SEEMS to trigger when u complete or 100% ch3 on any difficulty. (3times for me it price when 1 of these happned 3/3)
BUT what if 2 or more of the same members do the same thing? thats 1 less rift for ur alliance?
it SEEMS to trigger when u complete or 100% ch3 on any difficulty. (3times for me it price when 1 of these happned 3/3)
BUT what if 2 or more of the same members do the same thing? thats 1 less rift for ur alliance?
The "finding" part clearly seems to be an attempt to incentivize players trying to earn as much valor as possible. But as with many things numeric in the game the system does not seem to have been tuned properly, given the observed trigger rates.
Because the chance to trigger a test mission increases with the amount of valor the player earns, the best strategy seems to be to try to earn as much valor as possible if a mission isn't started, but to deliberately not try to earn valor to the best extent possible if one is running. I've heard of people grinding arena deliberately not claiming milestones while test of valor is running, then claiming all of them when the test ends so that they suddenly "earn" a lot of valor to try to trigger the mission. While it is running you can also deliberately shift your effort to a lower difficulty monthly mission, or hold off on completing a chapter if you are close until the test of valor ends. The idea is to shift your valor earning to when it can trigger a mission, as opposed to when you cannot (because one is already running).
It also is better if you earn (or claim) your valor all at once rather than in dribbles, to the extent that is possible. Any valor you claim slowly that doesn't trigger a test mission is in a manner of speaking "wasted" if an alliance mate triggers one before you do.
I believe the basic idea was for the system to encourage alliance players to jockey to be the trigger, and claim that small amount of 5* shards, by trying to earn valor as fast as possible. Putting the mission on a rotation would not do that. But since Kabam was typically opaque about how to do this in the first place, that incentive isn't working as it probably should.
So the incentive is right