Design of Oct. Rifts (opponents, saving up entries, quitting, etc)

(without having run them yet, but providing insight based on prior Rift/Lab months)
Are the opponents randomized each time, similar to Rifts/Labs in past ?
And when you start a Rift quest, is there a “Timer” that would cause the Rift Quest to reset each day ?
It only shows an overall 35-day timer for the Rifts Side Quest, (although I thought in previous Rift months it used to show the 24-hour timer up front without even being in a running Rift, so you knew when it would reset)
So (assuming the above) is the implementation this month similar to other times…
(summarizing what that means, and asking others to confirm whether this is the case again or not)
1. Opponents are randomized per player (they are not the same for everyone on the same day) ??
(A) Is the Boss random as well ?
2. They get re-randomized again for the next time you start another Rift (SO LONG AS) you had actually COMPLETED the previous Rift. Or so long as you wait to run it the next time until such Daily Reset occurs for it ??
(A) So if you did NOT complete the previous Rift (got KO'd, and can’t get past a certain difficult opponent) and you run it again on the SAME day (needing another entry ticket/spot, ie, you saved up multiple entries to run multiple times some day), those same difficult opponents will still be there.
(B) So then, if you need to get new randomized champs (different from one you can’t get past), then you need to wait until after the Daily Reset timer for the Side Quest Rifts. Then, they will get re-randomized again.
3. Gate Types. 3*, 4*, 5*, 6*. Based on which Difficulty of Rift you are choosing to run. Looks like you only need a single champ (at a minimum) of that Star-Rarity to pass the gate. (so you don’t need a full team of all 6* if you have some better 5* you want to also include on the team)
4. As for entry tickets (spots), no matter how the opening dialog may be worded (about “returning the cost of entry” or whatever it says, if you exit in the middle of the quest), it does NOT refund your entrance ticket if you exit it early once you enter it.
(A) They are one entry per ticket (and just one difficulty of your choice), whether you complete it or exit it.
(B) Yes, you can save up multiple entries, to use up in bunches at a later date. So long as you collect the entry tickets from the objectives each day (*see next).
5. Has it been said how many of these “Champion Target” objectives can be stacked up if you don’t do some on their initial day ? I’m guessing maybe 2 incomplete objectives is the limit (but that's just a guess, based on other recent objectives)
Is it working differently from above this time ??
Any other intricacies that you see with this month ??
@DNA3000 , @SpideyFunko , @BitterSteel ???
Are the opponents randomized each time, similar to Rifts/Labs in past ?
And when you start a Rift quest, is there a “Timer” that would cause the Rift Quest to reset each day ?
It only shows an overall 35-day timer for the Rifts Side Quest, (although I thought in previous Rift months it used to show the 24-hour timer up front without even being in a running Rift, so you knew when it would reset)
So (assuming the above) is the implementation this month similar to other times…
(summarizing what that means, and asking others to confirm whether this is the case again or not)
1. Opponents are randomized per player (they are not the same for everyone on the same day) ??
(A) Is the Boss random as well ?
2. They get re-randomized again for the next time you start another Rift (SO LONG AS) you had actually COMPLETED the previous Rift. Or so long as you wait to run it the next time until such Daily Reset occurs for it ??
(A) So if you did NOT complete the previous Rift (got KO'd, and can’t get past a certain difficult opponent) and you run it again on the SAME day (needing another entry ticket/spot, ie, you saved up multiple entries to run multiple times some day), those same difficult opponents will still be there.
(B) So then, if you need to get new randomized champs (different from one you can’t get past), then you need to wait until after the Daily Reset timer for the Side Quest Rifts. Then, they will get re-randomized again.
3. Gate Types. 3*, 4*, 5*, 6*. Based on which Difficulty of Rift you are choosing to run. Looks like you only need a single champ (at a minimum) of that Star-Rarity to pass the gate. (so you don’t need a full team of all 6* if you have some better 5* you want to also include on the team)
4. As for entry tickets (spots), no matter how the opening dialog may be worded (about “returning the cost of entry” or whatever it says, if you exit in the middle of the quest), it does NOT refund your entrance ticket if you exit it early once you enter it.
(A) They are one entry per ticket (and just one difficulty of your choice), whether you complete it or exit it.
(B) Yes, you can save up multiple entries, to use up in bunches at a later date. So long as you collect the entry tickets from the objectives each day (*see next).
5. Has it been said how many of these “Champion Target” objectives can be stacked up if you don’t do some on their initial day ? I’m guessing maybe 2 incomplete objectives is the limit (but that's just a guess, based on other recent objectives)
Is it working differently from above this time ??
Any other intricacies that you see with this month ??
@DNA3000 , @SpideyFunko , @BitterSteel ???
I believe the only side quests that allow you to rerun are those that either have no entrance costs or whose rewards cannot be manipulated by the players. In other words, the rewards are either already fully in the player's control (you pick) or they are fixed and don't change with reruns.
- Kingpin Boss - Candy reward
- Knull boss - Candy reward
- Kingpin boss - Candy reward
- Knull boss - Candy reward
Any node buffs on paths, or on boss ?
What about any different timer once you have started the quest ?
Nimrod - Day 2 -🍬
I had Kingpin boss Day 2 on T5B path, with the node that gives the opponent prowess when you do 2 of the same basic attack in a row
My enemy (knull)-candy