KABAM, every time y’all do RIFTS, y’all grant us an item in solo objectives or for sale. We can choose the path we want, why NOT this month tho???
Where is the pick your own path special item at KABAM? Y’all gave us juicy rewards, knowing damn well most players will get candy for 30 days straight.
Where is the pick your own path special item at KABAM? Y’all gave us juicy rewards, knowing damn well most players will get candy for 30 days straight.
If we had path pickers you can guarantee that all the rewards would be reduced. Because instead of a 30% chance over the month for a 6* awakening gem, we’d have a 100% chance.
So if you really want path pickers, you’d have to accept the drop in the top prizes, and we’d see worse rewards. If you’d prefer that, then that’s your right but just something to bear in mind. I’m well aware I’ll get disagreed for not just saying “rifts bad”, so I’ll clarify I’m not saying that it’s better that we don’t have a path picker, but just that you would see a drop in the top rewards if that were the case.
As an extra note, with a 90% chance to get candy, the chances of getting candy every day of the event is 0.9^35 = 0.025
So 97.5% of players will not get candy every day. That seems like the majority to me.
And @DNA3000 ’s here explain it
Essentially, if you have 20k shards with a 50% drop rate, that’s an average of 10k shards over the playerbase. If you let people choose, it’s a 100% drop rate so for the same average you’d need a top prize of 10k.
From a game economy point of view, guaranteed rewards have lower total value than RNG rewards, because they’re guaranteed. That’s why we have a 30% chance at a 6* gem, and not a 100%.
Additionally, as DNA points out, an RNG reward with higher value encourages more participation, because of the “if I win” factor.
Again, if you’d rather have a picker that’s fine, but you won’t see as good rewards in the event.
With the rewards we have right now it would break the game for everyone who got there hands on a Path selector.
So to balance that they would nerf the rewards. And the response to that would be everyone getting furious. Thus they didn't give a path choice so they could push RNG and there will probably be a deal later in the month for more tickets or [candies]
I can really recall just one month that they offered a choose-your-path item for a Rift side-event.
And how many of those items were we really allowed to get and pick a path, was a very small number (1 or 2 ?)
The point of Rifts is that is it random.
It's not Rifts anymore if you can just choose where you get to go.
**although if they implemented a few “re-roll” like items (similar to what we’ve had for opponents or node buffs), call the item a “time-warp” token.
You could go back in time and hope to come out the Portal somewhere else (not a guarantee, just a chance). Not a complete re-run of the quest with fighting opponents again, just a re-roll of the Portal Jump.
Still random, just giving a little extra hope, a limited # of times.
That would go some way to help with the Deadpool event backlash.
Let’s focus on me… my top champs: Hercules, Apocalypse, Capt’n IW, Diablo and Black Panther are awakened.
I just want to awaken other champs, so I can diversify my roster. I don’t need the gem, I want it — hell if I could choose, I’d take the $2M gold over the awakening gem
So one gem, one shards etc etc
I’m all up for having good rewards for difficult content, e.g. the Gauntlet and EOP. If we had a difficult side quest people would complain that it’s a cash grab. Make it easy with moderate rewards and then you have complaints that the side quest is rubbish.
Easy, decent to great rewards based on RNG seems like a way to compromise.
Granted we’re also complaining about that.
Lets see how many of you are still not satisfied by day 35 and how many of you are prepared to suggest you've gained less from this SQ than other monthly SQs.
It also doesn't do well for morale if you've got candy 10 times in a row but on forums, there are people parading their multiple AG, t5cc etc.
Some people are already far behind their peers simply because of RNG in crystals. They just want an event that they know they can progress in just as much as others.
When they gave us access to pick a path it was much weaker rewards. That’s why.
On a side note…. Change the drop rate. I guess bad RNg for me but nothing but candy is all I’ve pulled for 4 days straight now
0.99^35 = 0.7
Those are the chances of getting non-6* awakening gem every single day. So, the chances of getting a 6* gem at least 1 time is 1 minus that, which is 30% overall. I'm not just adding up 1% 30 times, that would be wrong.
As for how many players go without anything but candy, you say "many" but it's only 2.5%. For a chance of 90% of candy each run, the maths for this is 0.9^35 = 0.025 - so that's a 2.5% chance to get only candy over the month.
Everyday you have 90% chance at getting candy, which means over the 35 days, 90% of them (probability wise) you will get candy = 31.5 days you'll get candy. Lets round it to 32 days. That means the other 3 days, you will, probability wise, get something else other than candy (on average).
It's not 2700% because you don't multiply 90 by the days. You multiply 0.9 (or 90%) as percentages are written as decimals out of 1.
Your statistics class may have failed you, but I won't.