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Werewolf by Night - Discussion (Spoilers)

DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,745 ★★★★★
edited October 2022 in General Discussion
Anyone catch WBN yet? I watched last night and loved the throwback, classic macabre horror vibe. Excellent cinematography, foreboding score, compelling story.

Don’t want to say too much just yet, but I didn’t notice a thread on forums. Figured it was worthwhile to start one.

Dr. Zola


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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,483 ★★★★★
    Loved watching my boi Ted in it.
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    TerraTerra Posts: 8,119 ★★★★★
    Marvel Werewolves? Hm. Blade preparation perhaps?
    Haven't seen much of this, anyone got some links of information?
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    TheCaptain412TheCaptain412 Posts: 337 ★★★
    It was fantastic. Will definitely be watching it again.

    Loved that they introduced some characters that could be used in a “Marvel Horror-verse”. We know Blade is coming, so why not get some more elements of his corner of the MCU out in the world before we get our first encounter with him?
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    SuelGamesSuelGames Posts: 947 ★★★
    edited October 2022
    1 - I dig Elsa, even tough she was basically Jessica Jones in this lol Hope we get her original hair and suit eventually

    2 - Man Thing was amazing, didnt expect that, flawless CGI

    3 - Werewolf was bad tough :/ he looked like a hairy dude terrorizing the neighborhood lol My favorite Werewolf still from 2004 Van Helsing.. crazy.. maybe cause of the snout idk. Not a big fan of Underworld lycans, but they still better than this marvel one :(

    4 - In general i found it quite fun, didnt expect that much graphic violence and cool acrobatic fights from Elsa, solid special. Wish it was a series with more eps, Elsa has a good lore, hope she comes back in the future, maybe for Blade movie idk. They could even adapt Midnight sons with Ghost Rider, Blade, Black Knight, Elsa, Moon Knight and ManThing
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    Vance2_jrVance2_jr Posts: 714 ★★★
    I was more pleasantly surprised by it more than anything else in the MCU recently. I absolutely loved it. If I had one gripe, it was that Elsa should have been more Warren Ellis-y. Give me that and I’ll never say another bad thing about Phase 4.
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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,872 ★★★★★
    Probably my favorite marvel project of phase 4
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,745 ★★★★★
    I think the wolf costume+CGI was intended to evoke an old B&W horror movie feel. It’s a little cheesy, yes, but I don’t think they intended to do full CGI with him or Man-Thing (what you see is a costume with some light CGI doctoring).

    It’s B-movie stuff for sure, and it works for the most part in the B&W genre. I expect if they bring either to the big screen we will see much more comprehensive CGI for both characters.

    Dr. Zola
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    SuelGamesSuelGames Posts: 947 ★★★
    I dig Elsa, even tough she was basically Jessica

    SuelGames said:

    1 - I dig Elsa, even tough she was basically Jessica Jones in this lol Hope we get her original hair and suit eventually

    2 - Man Thing was amazing, didnt expect that, flawless CGI

    3 - Werewolf was bad tough :/ he looked like a hairy dude terrorizing the neighborhood lol My favorite Werewolf still from 2004 Van Helsing.. crazy.. maybe cause of the snout idk. Not a big fan of Underworld lycans, but they still better than this marvel one :(

    4 - In general i found it quite fun, didnt expect that much graphic violence and cool acrobatic fights from Elsa, solid special. Wish it was a series with more eps, Elsa has a good lore, hope she comes back in the future, maybe for Blade movie idk. They could even adapt Midnight sons with Ghost Rider, Blade, Black Knight, Elsa, Moon Knight and ManThing

    i didnt really like the werewolf either but i think this is just how he is supposed to look like in the comics.
    Imean the manthing cgi was absolutely terrific it would be weird that they put all budget into man thing and not the hero of the short/series/short movie whichever it is

    Elsa was really fun as welll. And this is how marvel should write badass cool and amazing female characters. *cough*she-hulk*cough* Whoever wrote this amazing job! well done.
    I mean i know that, still ugly af lol they could adapt better for MCU, like they did so many other characters like Mantis, Nebula, Vision, Groot, the Black Order itself.. they arent 100% faithful to comics, but i like the MCU designs way better
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    Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Posts: 2,973 ★★★★★
    enjoyed it.
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,041 ★★★★★
    Really enjoyed man-thing straight up mercing the older bearded fella.
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    ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,809 ★★★★★
    I really liked it. Gael Garcia Bernal was terrific. I liked the actress who played Elsa as well, she did a great job. The actress who played Ventrussa or whatever her name was, was just hamming it up in the most lovely way.

    The only thing that left me confused was Jack totally losing control as a werewolf. I mean, I'm not "confused" by it since that's generally what tends to happen to most werewolves in most werewolf stories, but I don't get how they could move forward with his character in any meaningful way if he's just a rampaging beast whenever he transforms. I guess that's kind of similar to how the Hulk was in the early days of the MCU, but I'm still not entirely sold on that idea.

    But other than that, I loved it. I'm also sure that they'll find a way to work him into other projects, and I'm really excited about that. As I said, Bernal was absolutely amazing. He did such a great job portraying that character. His little speech about families while he and Elsa were stuck in the crypt was perfect.
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    AldacAldac Posts: 478 ★★★
    edited October 2022
    It was the first Marvel anything in a really long time that I wanted to rewatch immediately after finishing it. It was fantastic. Perfect casting also.
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,041 ★★★★★
    Really hoping we're gonna see more jack, Elsa, and man thing in future projects. Also, some of those other monsters as teases such as wendigo, sasquatch etc. Alpha flight anyone?
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    Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Posts: 598 ★★★
    Vance2_jr said:

    I was more pleasantly surprised by it more than anything else in the MCU recently. I absolutely loved it. If I had one gripe, it was that Elsa should have been more Warren Ellis-y. Give me that and I’ll never say another bad thing about Phase 4.

    Warren Ellis is god.
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    Prof4Prof4 Posts: 10
    Please where and how to watch? Can someone post a link ?
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,041 ★★★★★
    Prof4 said:

    Please where and how to watch? Can someone post a link ?

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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,745 ★★★★★
    Aldac said:

    It was the first Marvel anything that I wanted to rewatch immediately after finishing it. It was fantastic. Perfect casting also.

    This is one of the things I think was so well done—Bernal and Donnelly are outstanding actors. Marvel getting them is a coup.

    Dr. Zola
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    JragonMaster170JragonMaster170 Posts: 2,044 ★★★★★
    I loved it. Only makes me sad that Man-Thing isn't better in this game.
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    SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Posts: 3,999 ★★★★★

    I loved it. Only makes me sad that Man-Thing isn't better in this game.

    Just glad Elsa’s top 5
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    SuelGamesSuelGames Posts: 947 ★★★

    I loved it. Only makes me sad that Man-Thing isn't better in this game.

    Just glad Elsa’s top 5
    lol i wouldnt put Elsa in a top 10 even in her own skill class
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    Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
    Really gorey for a marvel thing...it was awesome 😎
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    TripleBTripleB Posts: 249 ★★
    This event was much more interesting than I thought going into it. I love Elsa but found her unlikeable at times, Jack I liked and definitely got the weak human/strong monster vibes like Bruce and Hulk give off (the actor did a great job of seeming in control of the situation but also showing how vulnerable as a human he is). Man thing I think was a great supporting character, funny but not too funny.
    What I liked most about all of these characters is that they took themselves seriously, unlike many of the phase 4 marvel shows and movies.

    I know quite a bit of people we’re not fond of the werewolf look but I actually really liked it. 2004 Van Helsing will always be my favorite werewolf but this one has a much more grotesque look to it. I think that was a good move, if they went with the large werewolf like van healing it may have outshone Man Thing’s size (pun intended). The only change I would’ve liked to have seen was for the werewolf to act much more animalistic, he was extremely acrobatic which came off as too smart for me. I’d rather him have been a mindless beast who rips and tears at anything and everything, not stopping from pain but instead only provoking it!

    What MCOC could do from this is make an in game Jack (Werewolf). It would be cool to have him transform at the beginning and end of every fight then in the preview screen he could start as Jack then transform into the werewolf as well. This would of course create a king animation but well worth it!
    Maybe a mystic champion with lots of bleeds, healing, and neutralize like Tigra! I would make him a good champ but I’d make him overpowered on nights with a full moon.
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    Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
    edited October 2022
    TripleB said:

    What MCOC could do from this is make an in game Jack (Werewolf). It would be cool to have him transform at the beginning and end of every fight then in the preview screen he could start as Jack then transform into the werewolf as well. This would of course create a king animation but well worth it!
    Maybe a mystic champion with lots of bleeds, healing, and neutralize like Tigra! I would make him a good champ but I’d make him overpowered on nights with a full moon.

    and have a synergy with moon knight that makes moon knight a god
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,745 ★★★★★
    Guessing @Kabam Miike and the gang weren’t big fans or haven’t seen it yet. Curious whether anyone on the team was inspired to put in a plug for Jack Russell to claw his way into the Contest.

    Dr. Zola
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