Nightcrawler Fury Cap

Why is Nightcrawler capped at 3 furies? I recently duped my 5* and was farming potions off WS and noticed no matter how many deep wound strikes I had, the fury counter would never go above 3. This is not stated in his sig ability. It seems like a completely irrelevant silent nerf. To have more than 3 fury stacks you have to be playing very well and very aggresively. 3 furies is 102% atk increase for my 4* 5/50 sig 79 NC vs 10 poise charges on starky is 200% atk increase. Would love to hear the reasoning.
This isn't actually a problem, issue, bug, or something an administrator would need to look at. Your tags confuse me.
Drax's furies go to infinity and increase his bleed dmg. I assume this was tuned before diminishing returns when you could get your crit rate >70% and was never changed after flat values went away.
It doesn't state a fury cap in his sig ability, but it is capped at 3. That makes it a problem, issue or bug and would like the input of an admin.