Aq map 6 - health % shaved during KO UI screen

Decided to timeout cause I knew I was gonna lose the fight. Noticed the Hp got shaved away. This makes me wonder if this could be the main reason why my Hercules immortality buff functioned, but still showed him as KO after exit out the KO UI. Gonna give this a few more testing in next AQ cycle.
It looks like the HP gets shaved away 1% if an timeout happens.
Not from 25% down to 24%
About this, it's probably a matter of how each display is doing ROUNDING.
In-fight I assume is always rounding UP. You don’t want it showing 0% when in fact you are still alive with 0.0001% health left. And numerous times I still see it at 100% even after some blocking chip-damage is done.
Post-fight probably uses standard rounding (0.5 based), as that is default for most number display.
If you ended at 25% with a Health number remaining of 6825, the number will remain 6825. It doesn’t take a rounded % and then recalculate your actual health based on that %
Since this is on AQ, you can easily test this out.
On your 25% down to 24% case. If you are at 25% when you timeout in AQ (or AW, or EQ, any quest that does not impose the extra loss of 1/2 of health remaining penalty).
Even though the Fight Summary screen may show 24%, when you restart another fight you can easily check and see (before any hits are taken) what that champ's % is during the initial run-up of the champs. I’d bet it would say 25%, not 24% like that Fight Summery screen.
And don’t confuse this with any 1% situations, where in some cases new procedures will indeed cause you to get KO, to avoid Corvus type timeout methods that people were using.
That is different from any 1% differences you are seeing well away from low health.
** unless the “how” of how they implemented that was to cause the 1% loss no matter what health you were at. Thus fixing their 1% Corvus issue without just limiting it to cases when you are indeed very low health.