Recent announcement seems to only address cheating in BG. How about arena

The recent announcement regarding cheating seems to be only address the problem in BG. Since the beginning of the year compensation with the bot, there isn’t any update regarding the issue. As the arena cutoff dumped from around 150 mil last year to around 250 mil last few arena(with QS breaking 300mil). I doubt the arena has solved yet.
Besides bot, Mercs seems to be an issue that never been addressed. Personally i grinded mostly the basic arena and occasionally old featured arena. I understand the time and effort to the score( with over 1mil pvp myself). I don’t mind to compete other in a fair manner. However, the scoreboard is dominated by few alliance currently. It is very suspicious to see same name over and over again. One of my solution to combat it is to ban the use VPN for top rank reward. For those that must use VPN for some reason can still get the milestones. However for the integrity of the contest, they just can’t get the top rank reward. It seems to be a fair compromise.
At last, a couple years ago in the dev dairy, the dev said that in order to help the work life balance in game, they increased the 5* arena from 150 to 300. The current arena cutoff problem surpassed that by a lot of already. I would like the issue to be addressed.
Besides bot, Mercs seems to be an issue that never been addressed. Personally i grinded mostly the basic arena and occasionally old featured arena. I understand the time and effort to the score( with over 1mil pvp myself). I don’t mind to compete other in a fair manner. However, the scoreboard is dominated by few alliance currently. It is very suspicious to see same name over and over again. One of my solution to combat it is to ban the use VPN for top rank reward. For those that must use VPN for some reason can still get the milestones. However for the integrity of the contest, they just can’t get the top rank reward. It seems to be a fair compromise.
At last, a couple years ago in the dev dairy, the dev said that in order to help the work life balance in game, they increased the 5* arena from 150 to 300. The current arena cutoff problem surpassed that by a lot of already. I would like the issue to be addressed.
I’ve just mathed my roster, and assuming I was dedicated and did 2 6* runs/day and 3 of my 5* I can hit 97m and I am a minnow compared to these people.
I’m not saying that there’s no arena mercs/bots, there certainly are, and I’d also like to see it dealt with, but there’s also an inherent advantage that some of these monster accounts have that we don’t.
But as someone whose alliance was just docked in AW for someone apparently cheating, it certainly seems like they've cast a wider net to catch cheaters than they laid out in the post. Hopefully that extends to arena as well (even if I have a feeling that arena needs more things done to it than simply removing the cheaters).
I dare you to lose your entire weekend seeing how far off I am lol.
Just for clarity: the team is looking to tackle cheating in all game modes. The original post simple says that it's been on the top of Summoners' minds because of Battlegrounds. But cheating is cheating, modding is modding. The anti-cheat plans are targeting the entire game, not just one game mode.