Why aren’t Villains Villains?

i just noticed that thanos children aren’t villains even though they completely supported and fought for anything he did. Thanos is labeled as a villain so why would’ve his children that would do the same villainous things for him not be villains?
Or could it just have been to keep in line with the endgame movies where they literally refer to themselves as children of Thanos?
Other than Blade's Danger sense, we have a whole Variant designed for #Villains, where the devs simply don't want some characters to go. It wouldn't necessarily be gamebreaking, they just wanna have it this way
Are u just like this or do u pretend to be? For whatever and not so unknown reasons?
That's such a flawed reasoning u have, why would any villain with an ambition see themselves as a villain at all.
Those tag stuffs are kind of trade-off and you can't read it in strict sense. Similar to definition of metal champs. I guess Kabam don't want player using Red Magneto to do everything if there are many metal champs.