KP vs Shang Shi

BabyMiikeBabyMiike Member Posts: 1,184 ★★★★
edited November 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Should I wait for either of their dupes or get Shang Chi or KP to r3

KP vs Shang Shi 38 votes

Shang Chi
SpeedbumpMagrailothosSceptilemaniacKerneasDenzel116Ewell65SSS69GinjabredMonstaShiroiharaReal_Madrid_76_2willrun4adonutLickyabelardoAlto_Dalto1Vijay_33KEKOAApex_tiger 16 votes
KDoggg2017Emil_LimsonTerraCrusaderjrAmaadAkiraPikoluTony886Mother_FlerkenPowerofpain1001YsFLeoZedRenaxqq0casual0ChobblyIoniqus_797Phantomfire500CyrillFromTulaBadass84ZAHIDMALIK1588Yami_Sukehiro 21 votes
Wait for dupe
Jazz_Messenger 1 vote
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • CrusaderjrCrusaderjr Member Posts: 1,059 ★★★★
    shang is good for cheese fights on some bosses if played with a rotation and skills. qlwo high dmg on lengthy fights.

    kingpin is overall a great attacker and defender and also gets by loads of content by himself, then he has insane syns.
    both good but king just offers more over all.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,881 ★★★★★
    Shang Chi
    I'd say Shang Chi.

    He needs no dupp, has a lot of utility. Permanent Slow, he can stun through block and blockbreak, so with each set of strikes he can penetrate block twice, which is very useful from my experience. His cleanse is also pretty strong, saving my backside many times. This in fact allows him to go against champs like Morningstar or Abomination without much of a worry.

    Shang Chi has a really versatile playstyle and lots of damage. He is pretty easy to play and has no risky playstyle. His guaranteed crits are also a nice bonus and when you reset your Wushu strikes and get the precision buffs, you are gonna have nearly guaranteed crits.

    Compared to KP, he has similar damage (idk which one of them hits harder, but I'd say they are pretty close), but less HP. KP is tankier, but Shang Chi can deal with evade and unstop. KP also has some pretty nice regen, but his ability to deal with debuffs is worse than Shang's. Lastly, KP has a DoT debuff in his kit, which Shang Chi lacks.

    Overall, KP may have more abilities, but with limited uptime of damage or unreliable purify. Shang Chi may have less in his kit, but his abilities are reliable, his playstyle flexible and imo he can deal with more tricky situations than KP. Which is also the reason why I'll be putting Shang to R4 over Doom.
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