Multiple bugs in BGs since yesterday

There's been bugs here and there but since yesterday pretty much every 2 fights the following occurs:

Quite frustrating this week.
I am on an iPhone 12 Pro Max
iOS 16.1
Latest MCoC release.
- Black screen when fight finishes (see this post, same case every time: )
- The winner is the opposite (or at least you are not granted with the victory) even though it is a tie (see screenshot below)
- To make things worst, many times the first of your defenders is already picked for you when you come out from the banning phase countdown.

Quite frustrating this week.
I am on an iPhone 12 Pro Max
iOS 16.1
Latest MCoC release.
The 1st set of pics show FORFEIT on your side of screen (so it was NOT a tie, your device lost constant connection with server). And 2nd match shows you LOST (and so no completed fights within the match), because of “forfeit”.
Even though your game continued in the fight and you defeated the opponent, the connection with server being interrupted made that fight not count.