There is a constant thing happening in cyber weekend where if you buy 15,000 units worth of stuff, you get another special offer for 3,000 units. My suggestion is to make that 3,000 unit offer, a gold offer. That way people can save 3,000 units and it would somewhat soften the sorrow about deadpool gold event not happening (I'm still sad about that). This would benefit everyone. That special gold offer will still be behind a 15,000 unit wall, but once you spend 15,000 units, you don't need to waste another 3,000 on another special deal, you get to buy it let's say for 5 million gold. Now of course in an ideal world the best thing would be to have a seperate gold store but I don't think that will ever happen.
Now you can say in the comment section as a joke like "uuu looks like someone is short 3,000 units and wants it to be a gold deal" no, just no. I'll have more than enough units to buy everything and I might even buy some odins since I'm curious about the paragon deals in the store. I'm not f2p player and I'm definitely far far away from a whale. I just wanna buy something with gold this year
Now you can say in the comment section as a joke like "uuu looks like someone is short 3,000 units and wants it to be a gold deal" no, just no. I'll have more than enough units to buy everything and I might even buy some odins since I'm curious about the paragon deals in the store. I'm not f2p player and I'm definitely far far away from a whale. I just wanna buy something with gold this year

Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
And instead of us giving them $$ for unit deals, they give us $$ for the units we have.
You can't simultaneously ask for more gold and more gold offers. That's just a camouflaged way of asking for tons of free stuff. If there is no gold shortage, then the gold offers are not a problem but everyone has to shut up about gold. On the other hand, if there is a gold shortage then Kabam should increase the flow of gold into the game economy but they can't simultaneously encourage more gold shortages with gold sink offers.
Pick one. Which one is the more "generous" option?
I wouldn't say "uuu if it was 15,000 units instead 18,000 I would have done it" I would just say give all players the option to buy a gold offer, not just the ones that can save up 15k units.
But if I follow your logic, replacing the first 1k unit offer with a 1 million gold offer seems more logical. I actually wouldn't mind that.
Second off there is already a 3,000 unit deal after 15,000 unit wall. My idea was to make that 3,000 unit deal into a gold deal because that is a realistic thing kabam might do, because of the reasons I stated above. F2p players thinking about getting that 3k unit deal would save their units for something else and sacrifice their gold which I think they would happily do. As a player who didn't save units from the arena you were not able to buy out that 15,000 unit wall anyway, so why should you be sad if that unit wall is set on a gold deal instead of a 3k unit deal. You wouldn't have 15k anyway, and you wouldn't saved for months to get that gold deal anyway too. I understand that not everyone have enough time to grind arena everyday, but if you are f2p and you are planning on spending on special holidays you have to play the arena to get at least 1000 units per week from the arena. There is no other way to save enough units to spend on holidays.
Like I said I was putting this suggestion out there because that is actually a thing that can happen imo. In my original post I said "of course in an ideal world the best thing would be to have a seperate gold store but I don't think that will ever happen" I wish they just do a seperate gold store or something like what you said. But just having a gold store doesn't get kabam anything or making the 1k unit deal a gold deal won't get kabam anything, that would only make us happy not them and they don't care about that. But if they put a unit wall in front of a gold deal then some small spenders can buy some unit packs to get it and that will get kabam some profits and this is only what they care about which is normal because they are a company not a charity.
Also since last gold offer were available to everyone and your gold offer would only be available to players with 15k units willing to spend them, I assume it's fair to say there would be a little outrage.
If it was announced ahead of time then Im agreeing with you but to do it for this cyber weekend, no. And even then I still stand by my idea of making the first offer a gold offer to make it accessible to everyone.
We don't even now if there is gonna be a trade in store this december and kabam won't say anything until it happens. Let me ask you this are you saving your every item for that event last year? You don't know if it will happen this year or not. SO SAVING OR SPENDING IS YOUR CHOICE. If they take my suggestion into consideretion and do it, you won't know it until the time comes. That's that buddy. If you are gonna be sad that people grinded arena for 2-3-4 months and saved units and get to save only a bit of it, then start doing some grind don't get sad when and if kabam does something like this. There is never going to be certainty about this ever. once again IT IS YOUR CHOICE and your time wasted in the arena. They can sell 6 star generic awakening gems for 2k units this year. Are you gonna be mad at kabam that they didn't announce this earlier. If you don't wanna miss out on rewards, than better start saving
The point is it has always been units. To change it suddenly into something else that is more easily obtainable would generate dissatisfaction. Wether it is behind a 15k paywall or not, doesn't matter. You saw it with the gold offer not returning this year, they weren't brought back and people complained. As they would complain about this change.