Maintenance/ new 5* champs

Just be glad you haven’t got in, I rushed in after maintenance and spun my 5* crystal, tlexpecting new champs would be in like they were supposed to. Boy was I wrong....I want a mulligan
I assumed their presence in the spinner meant that they were added to the basic but of course that could've just been the subfeatured... that sucks, why'd I even wait until today then.
I am waiting to open 3x featured crystals & have been constantly checking to see if it's ok to open them. This extended maintenance is really dragging this out & I will probably pull a load of ****.
The info is on the start page but no picture of these new champs is the crystal possible rewards.
be sure he's not alone, same with me
Someone who's pulled them from a basic crystal needs to speak up, not from a featured pull. They can still be pulled from a featured without being in basic, so pulling them from there is proof of nothing.
They get to the office at 9am Pacific time....about 3 hours from the timestamp on my post...
Dr. Zola