Battleground previous seson wrong place

Szychas90Szychas90 Member Posts: 7
edited November 2022 in Bugs and Known Issues
After sending ticket in e-mail I didn't recived any answer only auto respond.
My ally earned in last season more points than other ally what were in place 1-10%. My ally were in last place 81-100% Check please My screen shots


  • Szychas90Szychas90 Member Posts: 7

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,776 Guardian
    They already issued a final statement about that matter.

    After sending out a first set of corrected rewards, there still seemed to be some alliances who did not receive it correctly.

    After a lengthy thread about this, they closed the matter, saying there will be no further corrections to any of those remaining alliances that were not able to be identified initially.

    I’m guessing that if the system was not able to identify those remaining ones in the first place (first round of corrections), then they still would not have sufficient data to confirm all additional alliances still affected.
    And while some alliances who were shortchanged may have saved screenshots, others may not have saved any so would not be able to prove their case.
  • Jinx0051Jinx0051 Member Posts: 28
    1.8m wasn't even slightly close to getting top 10% by an enormous amount
  • Szychas90Szychas90 Member Posts: 7
    Jinx0051, I wrote that ally what got less points than my ally recived rewards from 1-10%
  • theHootchinatortheHootchinator Member Posts: 31
    Szychas90 said:

    After sending ticket in e-mail I didn't recived any answer only auto respond.
    My ally earned in last season more points than other ally what were in place 1-10%. My ally were in last place 81-100% Check please My screen shots

    KABAM decided that getting the correct rewards to alliances that this happened to at the end of season one wasn't something that they would do. They closed the big thread about it saying they "couldn't" do anything for us and that was that.

    They have banned at least one forum account that has continued to ask questions about that problem. So not only do they not intend to right this wrong in any way at all, they are doing their best to sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happened.

  • oiXoroiXor Member Posts: 16
    edited November 2022
    it's just another class act by kabam. you must think you can simply get fair rewards just by playing the game? cyber weekend is coming man. you get what you pay for.
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