I’m leaning Falcon. But really like Black Widow. They both have their place. Thoughts?
So my opinion is.
I don't have a high sig Black Widow OG, so don't fully know how she will as attacker, but she can be quite annoy as a def. I can imagine she could be pretty cool as an Attacker with high sig, and how to find one day.
Falcon is so reliable as an Attacker, specially since MM got neffed. But as an Defender is pretty weak.
Anyway that would my 2 cents
Oh by the way, if it is Black Widow DO you talking about, theb she is awesome and I'm still hope to get her as a 6* one day.
DO can do some ridiculous damage with her L2 but falcon has much more reliable AAR and against someone with evade can get very scary damage as well, I’d go with him
I’m leaning Falcon. But really like Black Widow. They both have their place. Thoughts?
BWDO?? I would say Falcon for utility in general but personally BWDO, there are lanes in act 7 and 8 where she decimate the opponents. Also she is really one of the best attackers in BG
Meanwhile Falcon have lot of utilities which i guess other champs don't have. It's just unmatched
I don't have a high sig Black Widow OG, so don't fully know how she will as attacker, but she can be quite annoy as a def. I can imagine she could be pretty cool as an Attacker with high sig, and how to find one day.
Falcon is so reliable as an Attacker, specially since MM got neffed. But as an Defender is pretty weak.
Anyway that would my 2 cents
Oh by the way, if it is Black Widow DO you talking about, theb she is awesome and I'm still hope to get her as a 6* one day.
But you make sense and I went with it based on your suggestion.
So thanks man.
I would say Falcon for utility in general but personally BWDO, there are lanes in act 7 and 8 where she decimate the opponents. Also she is really one of the best attackers in BG
Meanwhile Falcon have lot of utilities which i guess other champs don't have. It's just unmatched