Do you experience any control issues

This is my attempt at showing how many people deal with input/control issues in this game
A few weeks ago Miike said that the input issues were fixed and players have been misreporting these issues. However, I don't know how else to describe it than to call them input issues.
I am defining input/control issues as when a command is Inputted, the character performs the command late, it doesn't perform the command, or a different action is taken then the command that was inputted
I hope this goes somewhere. It would probably help if people say what device they are using
A few weeks ago Miike said that the input issues were fixed and players have been misreporting these issues. However, I don't know how else to describe it than to call them input issues.
I am defining input/control issues as when a command is Inputted, the character performs the command late, it doesn't perform the command, or a different action is taken then the command that was inputted
I hope this goes somewhere. It would probably help if people say what device they are using
Do you experience any control issues 132 votes
1) Die in AW often so I can use their recently new 1 unit 40 percent heals.
2) Die in AQ often and waste all my glory on level 2 and 3 team revives.
3) Play on auto play in all monthly challenges where possible.
4) Use excessive amounts or revives and heals in the RELINQUARY side quests on Epic and Legendary level where I should be able to normally not die at all.
I sometimes pretend like there’s a Random chance to enter Dance, Dance Revolution mode when dashing. It makes me feel better about it.
The game was basically unplayable on the new phone out of the box, but turning off "smooth display" (i.e. 120 Hz) fixed a lot of the issues. Now I'm left with the couple problems described above. Turning beta inputs off is better than having them on.
They are trying to amp up the reportage of issues to the actual point of the problem, but I’m uncertain with so many different players that we will be able to pinpoint a solution for everyone.
In the meantime, it’s just uneven and very buggy for some and no real problems for others.
Dr. Zola
Multiple times a day.
"I hope to see a world of MCOC where we can rejoice the harmony without the plague of input issues and mods. That we can see eye to eye with the fine moderators of the MCOC forum on varies issues. Whether it takes a year or a thousand years we will eventually get there and hope to play this fine game till the end of time"😁
And i think by many players (not all)its just losing skill after the years and not input issues , just to give kabam or the game the fault but not themselves...
Sometimes a lag but thats it
The servers went down.
Not in our head.