Which Relic is Best?

So we started out with 12 relics so far.
Which one do you think is the most useful or powerful? And Why?
And uhh there can't be more than 10 options in a poll so the last 2 options are
11. Hulkbuster
12. Vision
Which one do you think is the most useful or powerful? And Why?
And uhh there can't be more than 10 options in a poll so the last 2 options are
11. Hulkbuster
12. Vision
Which Relic is Best? 126 votes
Relics are overhyped and cash/units grap, zero interest until it gets to the 5/6* stage...the advantage you get from a 3* and 4* relic is almost insignificant.
Specifically, thoughts on Juggs, Venom and CapWW2 relics? Seem somewhat useful, but somewhat limited.
Any other relic thoughts appreciated.
Dr. Zola
Still wish relics never came to be tough
Dr. Zola
I wish they'd make equipping / unequipping relics free... i'd like to experiment with them but there's no way i'm spending units to do so