Past Era Champ Selector Advice

Looking to purchase the Superior Summoner Bundle again and need some help decided who to select. Focus is to develop the roster for upcoming content, Battlegrounds and to 100% explore Chapter 7.
Current Roster:
Science: Spidey2099 - R3, IBOM - R3, IHulk - R3, Thing - R3
Skill: Mole Man - R4, Kingpin - R3, Hit Monkey - R3, Falcon - R3
Mutant: Kitty - R3, Prof X - R3, Bishop - R3
Cosmic: Hercules - R4, CGR - R3, Corvus - R3, Knull - R3, Venom - R3
Tech: Warlock - R4, Omega Sentinel - R3, G2099 - R3, Peni Parker - R3
Mystic: Doom - R4, Longshot - R3, Tigra - R3
Current Roster:
Science: Spidey2099 - R3, IBOM - R3, IHulk - R3, Thing - R3
Skill: Mole Man - R4, Kingpin - R3, Hit Monkey - R3, Falcon - R3
Mutant: Kitty - R3, Prof X - R3, Bishop - R3
Cosmic: Hercules - R4, CGR - R3, Corvus - R3, Knull - R3, Venom - R3
Tech: Warlock - R4, Omega Sentinel - R3, G2099 - R3, Peni Parker - R3
Mystic: Doom - R4, Longshot - R3, Tigra - R3
Past Era Champ Selector Advice 13 votes
HT is a close second, but your science champs can still do some of HT's matchups.
Something small like a carrot