Ironman (Classic) Rework Idea

Hey all, it's been a while and I've been going over some ideas and I think I'm gonna throw in my 2 cents for what I would like to see as an OG Ironman rework. Ironman is my favorite Marvel superhero, so yeah... here it is.
(The numbers given are loosely based on a 5*r5, or a 6*r2)
Awakened Ability: Arc Overload: Ironman overloads the Arc reactor in his chest if his Health drops below 15%, briefly extending his lifespan with a burst of healing; restoring 33 - 60% of his max Health over the next 14 seconds.
While Ironman has a Regeneration effect all Armor Up effects he has, have 100% increased potency.
Mk IV: Ironman starts the fight with an indefinite Armor Up passive granting 1650 armor rating, All Armor Ups gained after the first last for 15 seconds. While Ironman has this Armor Up effect all of his energy attacks deal an additional burst of energy damage equal to his armor rating.
If this Armor Up is removed for any reason, Ironman gains a passive Fury lasting for 15 seconds granting +890 additional attack rating. While Ironman has 0 Armor up effects he will automatically gain another after 8 seconds, this cooldown is paused while Ironman is under the effects of an Armor Break.
Insulated: Ironman is immune to buffs. Anytime he would gain a buff, he gains an additional Mk IV Armor Up effect instead. While Ironman has an Armor Up effect he has 80% Coldsnap, Incinerate and Shock Resistance.
Heavy: Landing a Heavy attack doubles all of Ironman's Fury effects and pauses them for 4 seconds (the pause has an 18 second cooldown.).
All hits from Ironman's Special attacks 1 & 2 deal Energy damage, do not make contact, and have a 65% chance to apply an Armor Break debuff lasting 12 seconds, reducing armor rating by 830.
Repulsor Rays: Ironman fires an Energy beam from his left hand, then quickly fires a second from his right.
Playboy Special: Ironman uses his repulsors at melee range to strike the opponent and dash backwards, after dashing back Ironman unleashes a single handed energy beam before leaping into the air to unleash a massive energy attack from his chest.
Billion Dollar Punch: Same as current except all but the first hit add the energy burst damage from the Mk IV ability. for a total of 1 physical hit, and 7 energy hits.
You got what it takes?: Other members Warmachine
Ironman: Personal Fury effects have 40% increased duration (6 seconds).
Warmachine: Start a quest with 2 additional persistent charges, and Tech attackers gain an additional 10% attack rating while at least 1 Armory boost is active.
Like Father, like...: Other members Ultron (AoU), Ultron
All Synergy members: Armor up effects also grant +480 Block Proficiency.
Ultron (AoU): basic attack hits count as blocked hits for Function (Armor).
Ultron: Function (Armor) has a flat 25% increase to activate and can activate anytime Ultron lands a medium or light attack.
So that's what I have so far, if I come up with anything else I'll post it in the comments. Please let me know what you thought, and if you have any ideas.
As always if you read this far, thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day!
If you thought this was good or want to leave a disagree on more posts that I've done, I have made many others like this one, and you should check them out!
(The numbers given are loosely based on a 5*r5, or a 6*r2)
Awakened Ability: Arc Overload: Ironman overloads the Arc reactor in his chest if his Health drops below 15%, briefly extending his lifespan with a burst of healing; restoring 33 - 60% of his max Health over the next 14 seconds.
While Ironman has a Regeneration effect all Armor Up effects he has, have 100% increased potency.
Mk IV: Ironman starts the fight with an indefinite Armor Up passive granting 1650 armor rating, All Armor Ups gained after the first last for 15 seconds. While Ironman has this Armor Up effect all of his energy attacks deal an additional burst of energy damage equal to his armor rating.
If this Armor Up is removed for any reason, Ironman gains a passive Fury lasting for 15 seconds granting +890 additional attack rating. While Ironman has 0 Armor up effects he will automatically gain another after 8 seconds, this cooldown is paused while Ironman is under the effects of an Armor Break.
Insulated: Ironman is immune to buffs. Anytime he would gain a buff, he gains an additional Mk IV Armor Up effect instead. While Ironman has an Armor Up effect he has 80% Coldsnap, Incinerate and Shock Resistance.
Heavy: Landing a Heavy attack doubles all of Ironman's Fury effects and pauses them for 4 seconds (the pause has an 18 second cooldown.).
All hits from Ironman's Special attacks 1 & 2 deal Energy damage, do not make contact, and have a 65% chance to apply an Armor Break debuff lasting 12 seconds, reducing armor rating by 830.
Repulsor Rays: Ironman fires an Energy beam from his left hand, then quickly fires a second from his right.
Playboy Special: Ironman uses his repulsors at melee range to strike the opponent and dash backwards, after dashing back Ironman unleashes a single handed energy beam before leaping into the air to unleash a massive energy attack from his chest.
Billion Dollar Punch: Same as current except all but the first hit add the energy burst damage from the Mk IV ability. for a total of 1 physical hit, and 7 energy hits.
You got what it takes?: Other members Warmachine
Ironman: Personal Fury effects have 40% increased duration (6 seconds).
Warmachine: Start a quest with 2 additional persistent charges, and Tech attackers gain an additional 10% attack rating while at least 1 Armory boost is active.
Like Father, like...: Other members Ultron (AoU), Ultron
All Synergy members: Armor up effects also grant +480 Block Proficiency.
Ultron (AoU): basic attack hits count as blocked hits for Function (Armor).
Ultron: Function (Armor) has a flat 25% increase to activate and can activate anytime Ultron lands a medium or light attack.
So that's what I have so far, if I come up with anything else I'll post it in the comments. Please let me know what you thought, and if you have any ideas.
As always if you read this far, thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day!
If you thought this was good or want to leave a disagree on more posts that I've done, I have made many others like this one, and you should check them out!
There's also some other stuff like his energy basic attacks don't miss similar to what the mark 51 does currently and some sort of power burn/ drain ability off the specials.
Insulated: While Ironman has an armor up effect and a shock effect on himself, he gains 15% of a bar of power per second.
And this will go along with the 80% resistance.
Currently this ironman doesn't have energy basic attacks, otherwise I was considering adding the Mk 51 abilities as well.
as for Power Burns/Drain I hadn't thought about it mostly because no Ironman has those (Except for I-Doom), I'm not sure how to implement it without it feeling like it was just shoehorned in.
so add an ability like
Jarvis: The Ironman armor is integrated with Tony Stark's state of the art technology, including his AI assistant.
While Jarvis is active Ironman's attacks cannot be made to miss, and Ironman cannot have his ability accuracy reduced. Jarvis goes on cooldown for 7 seconds anytime Ironman is hit by a special attack or while he is suffering from an Armor Break or Armor Shatter.
so what if we did
adding to
Mk IV: While Ironman has an Armor Up effect, all energy attacks power burn up to 15% of the opponent's maximum power.
And this will be in addition to his energy hits dealing bonus damage based on Armor Rating.
That way it's not impossible to beat him when he's on defense but you're also increasing his abilities as an offense use and especially since most people will have him as a five or six star in some version of a weekend or barely awakened, they'll get more use right off the bat.
I'll post what I had in my original kit so we can compare notes and maybe Frankenstein something together here.
Iron Man (Classic)
•AI assisted targeting system triggers a LOCK-ON after 10 seconds, granting TRUE ACCURACY, countering evade and increases crit rate by a flat 20%. System resets when Iron Man is knocked down with a 20 second system reboot.
•Iron Man's armor absorbs all electrical attacks, converting each potential shock into a 5 second power gain filling 1/2 of a bar of power instead.
•Iron Man's armor up reduces the effects of Bleed, Coldsnap, Incineration and Poison by 50%.
Armor Buffs:
•Start the fight with one Armor stack, granting +1000 ENERGY & PHYSICAL RESISTANCE. If all Armor stacks are removed, gain 1 Armor stack after 5 seconds. Gain one Armor stack with every successful special attack. (Max 5)
Heavy Attack:
Successfully landed heavy attacks inflict Disorient on the opponent lasting 10 seconds. (Max 3)
[New heavy animation features a Repulsor blast aimed at opponents feet.]
Special Attacks:
•All special attacks inflict ARMOR BREAK and CONCUSSION lasting 15 seconds and can only be refreshed by subsequent special attacks.
SP1: Inflicts a shock debuff, dealing +900 damage over 10 seconds. (Max 2)
SP2: Inflicts a Power Burn, removing 50% of opponent's Max power.
SP3: Inflicts INCINERATION dealing +1500 damage over 10 seconds. (Max 1)
[New Special 3 animation shows Iron Man summoning the Iron Legion who barrage the opponent with various strikes and blasts ending with a projectile at the feet and an explosion.]
Tony Stark always has a strategy in mind, no matter the occasion...
•If the opponent has less than 15% health, LOCK-ON automatically activates granting TRUE ACCURACY and all special attacks become UNBLOCKABLE.
•If Iron Man's health is below 15%, Arc overload regenerates health back up to 70% while maxing out Armor stacks and activating POWER GAIN up to 2.5 bars. Can only be used once per fight.
Awakened Ability: Arc Overload: Ironman overloads the Arc reactor in his chest if his Health drops below 15%, briefly extending his lifespan with a burst of healing; restoring 33 - 60% of his max Health and gaining 15 - 40% of his maximum power over the next 14 seconds.
While Ironman has a Regeneration effect all Armor Up effects he has, have 100% increased potency.
Mk IV: Ironman starts the fight with an indefinite Armor Up passive granting 1650 armor rating, All Armor Ups gained after the first last for 15 seconds. While Ironman has this Armor Up effect all of his energy attacks deal an additional burst of energy damage equal to his armor rating, and power drain his opponent by 12.5% of their maximum power.
If an Armor Up is removed from Ironman for any reason, he gains a passive Fury lasting for 15 seconds granting +890 additional attack rating. While Ironman has 0 Armor up effects he will automatically gain another after 8 seconds, this cooldown is paused while Ironman is under the effects of an Armor Break or Armor Shatter.
Ironman is immune to buffs. Anytime he would gain a buff, he gains an additional Mk IV Armor Up effect instead
Insulated: Ironman's Armor Up effects also grant +825 energy resistance, while Ironman has an Armor Up effect he has 80% Coldsnap, Incinerate and Shock Resistance, and while suffering from one of those effects Ironman gains +10% of a bar of power per second.
Jarvis: The Mk IV is integrated with Tony Stark's state of the art technology, including his AI assistant.
While Jarvis is active Ironman's attacks cannot be made to miss, Ironman cannot have his ability accuracy reduced, and landing a Heavy attack doubles all of Ironman's Fury effects and pauses them for 1.5 seconds. Jarvis goes on cooldown for 7 seconds anytime Ironman is hit by a special attack or while he is suffering from an Armor Break or Armor Shatter.
All hits from Ironman's Special attacks 1 & 2 deal Energy damage, do not make contact, and have a 65% chance to apply an Armor Break debuff lasting 12 seconds, reducing armor rating by 830.
Repulsor Rays: Ironman fires an Energy beam from his left hand, then quickly fires a second from his right.
Playboy Special: Ironman uses his repulsors at melee range to strike the opponent and dash backwards, after dashing back Ironman unleashes a single handed energy beam before leaping into the air to unleash a massive energy attack from his chest.
Billion Dollar Punch: Same as current except all but the first hit add the energy burst damage and power drain from the Mk IV ability. for a total of 1 physical hit, and 7 energy hits.
You got what it takes?: Other members Warmachine
Ironman: Personal Fury effects have 40% increased duration (6 seconds).
Warmachine: Start a quest with 2 additional persistent charges, and Tech attackers gain an additional 10% attack rating while at least 1 Armory boost is active.
Like Father, like...: Other members Ultron (AoU), Ultron
All Synergy members: Armor up effects also grant +480 Block Proficiency.
Ultron (AoU): basic attack hits count as blocked hits for Function (Armor).
Ultron: Function (Armor) has a flat +25% chance to activate and can activate anytime Ultron lands a medium or light attack.