War attack start time delay

The start of war attack has been pushed back by 1.5h
Instead of starting 2h 10 min from now it starts in 3h 30. It’s clearly a bug since it’s not even at the start of the hour
Please look into it and fix it back to how it was last season, it’s very inconvenient for European members to join attack on the same day with this late start.
Instead of starting 2h 10 min from now it starts in 3h 30. It’s clearly a bug since it’s not even at the start of the hour
Please look into it and fix it back to how it was last season, it’s very inconvenient for European members to join attack on the same day with this late start.
It is 20 hours for your alliance after the time that Kabam finds you an opponent from matchmaking (which has a 4 hour window, matching from the top teams first, down to the bottom teams)
(I did see from others that assigning matches may have been later than normal)
But your times mentioned actually should be around the right time as it had always been BEFORE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS CHANGE.
After DST, times became 1 hour early, and they had NOT corrected that yet.
The start is delayed for some reason and needs to be examined and fixed
It would be nice if it could be moved to the start of the hour at least (it starts at like 11:17 am PST). It’s clearly not the way it should be - at least move it to 11:00 am or 10 am like it was last season
Please look into it
They still have not adjusted the “base” AW times this time when DST ended last month (they normally do adjust it every change, twice a year, although sometimes takes a few weeks). So you should NOT be seeing a normal 1 hour change to your Start Matching (if in +5:30 GMT means India, without any DST). (Attack start is different issue, see end).
Matching window normally 6-10pm US-EST (both summer and winter).
or 11pm - 3am UK (which is same as GMT time during winter, but is 10pm - 2am GMT time during summer because the game normally changes their clock, so not fixed to exact GMT).
So should mean India (?) at +5:30 GMT (without any DST at all ?) would have been during summer at 3:30-7:30am (and normally 4:30-8:30am in winter) ?
And so, the earliest possible Attack Start (with up to a 4 hour window after such time) would normally be 2pm US-EST (always), and 11:30pm India (Summer).
But since they haven’t adjusted the AW Clock Time yet, the “base” time (AW Matching Start time) is 1 hour earlier for areas that used to be on DST and now are on winter time.
But at same time, the Matching seems to be taking an hour later now (last 2-3 wars).
** Maybe instead of changing the Base Matching Start Time, Kabam May have just built in an approximate extra 1 hour delay into the Finding a Match, which would end up pushing back the AW Attack to close to what it should have been if they adjusted the clock correctly to begin with.
Even if the plan was to move it back by an hour it’s not at the start of the hour which is inconvenient and doesn’t match anything else in game (everything starts at … hour 00 minutes, war start was like that before)
The point of the post is to draw Kabam’s attention that something is not right with the war start time and to ask them to look into it. And at the very least have wars start at …:00 instead of 15 or 17 minutes past the hour.
Would be great it if this was changed back, very inconvenient for many players but an official statement would be appreciated.
And it keeps moving to a later time
Currently war start is about the same as AQ. It shouldn’t be like that
Each new war starts about 15 min later than the last one was
The matchmaking for the current war shows its start at 3 pm EST
It’s 2 hours later than the start of wars last season
This shift will make planning impossible for European based alliances, it’s just too late. Please look into moving it back to how it was last season: 1 pm EST (maybe a fixed time for a start of attack so it doesn’t get pushed back all the time)
The AW time is still 1 hour earlier that it should be.
Didn’t see any difference in this week's war time compared to last couple weeks.
War attack ending time for current war is still some minutes before when it technically should be allowed to end even at it's earliest within the 4-hour window.
It’s by about 10 min every time so not much but if this continues in about a week the war will be half an hour later, in 2 two hours later than it is now.
Is there any way to set a fixed time of war start like it is for AQ? It started after automatic enlistment