Accolades to non alliance members

I hadn’t read in depth into the accolades event, so I gifted several on my accolades to non alliance members. I didn’t know that I wouldn’t get the normal rewards from the accolades event since it only counts alliance members. I feel like we shouldn’t be penalized for trying to give a shout out to a friend not in our alliance.
(but in retrospect, they’re using the existing “gifting” method, which does allow sending to any friends or teammates, Probably didn’t want to build in anything extra just for this time)
At least you’ve confirmed that the Points Description is indeed accurate (only counts toward your Accolades Solo Event if sent to teammates).
You’ll be getting another 10 to send out in upcoming holiday calendar. Just won't be able to reach the full 10 GBG's rewards from Accolades Milestones.
Was original person above maybe new into their alliance (and hash reached 14 days in Ally yet to qualify for banquet event stuff) ?
Although that shouldn’t even apply, because that 14-day lockout is ONLY for the Ally Event.
Poor design, Kabam. Booooo.
Later down in here, and elsewhere, has been confirmed you do still get Accolades Solo Event points whether you gift inside alliance or to someone outside of alliance.
Even orig poster here (Potato) re-clarified that they did indeed get the event points for it.